
Feb 01, 2010 20:15

And then I also took on this new service thing that will make EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM AT THE VENERABLE YELL AT ME. That's excellent. Can't wait. They picked me, apparently because, "Nobody could be mad at you, Sal!" One time, my aunt did a cartoon that said something like "Face the world with a baby on a stick." I am the baby on a stick. --troyswann

I wonder if she has a clause in all her contracts that states that she gets a free laptop and iPod with every deal or no signing on the dotted line. --denyeverything1 on Cassie Claire's movie deal

That's hardly fair, because I've read most of your stuff that time I was sick in bed and hopped up on NyQuil. It's all blurred together into one big mess of bondage and cooking and periodic runs to the bathroom. --sara to synecdochic

In the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles season 2 finale "Born to Run," Cameron invites John Connor to get up on top of her and cut her open in order to check and see if her nuclear power source is leaking. This is what she says (although she never actually says it) but we can wonder whether this is what her plan actually is. Certainly she knows whether it's sound or not, so perhaps she's doing it for John's benefit. On the other hand, she's not exactly clinical about the way she makes him straddle her. Here's the conversation I had with one of my executives:
EXECUTIVE: I don't get that scene.
ME: How so?
EXECUTIVE: I just don't get it. Why does she do that? Why does he do it? Was he going to kiss her? Does she want him to? What does she really want from him here?
ME: Well, we've got a lot of different possibilities. I'm sure she has her reasons. We don't really know Cameron's mind, do we?
EXECUTIVE: Shouldn't we know it?
ME: We, who? The royal we, you and me? Or the audience?
EXECUTIVE: Well. Any of the above.
ME: Like I said. You could read that scene many different ways.
EXECUTIVE: Do you have a favorite?
ME: They're all God's children.
Which is why they usually hated me. --Josh Friedman

Here is the thing that is freaking me out: fandom has been a graduate level crash course in, um, sexism, racism, and media studies theory. Well, the film/media theory was partly jmtorres's fault what with going to, but the thing is, my teacher was talking about theoretical pieces versus critical pieces, and we totally fucking generate theory in fandom, not just critical pieces.

And it's really disconcerting to be in a low-level class and realise that I'm... really not operating down at this level.


Can I get some course credit? For the love of god? I like this teacher but, you know, it honestly feels like I shouldn't be in this class. Except that no one in academia would believe me if I told them that. (Except maybe the acafen. And I bet you that even if they did, they'd still make me take the actual classes.) --niqaeli

Because this fandom just can't have enough stories about Rodney McKay's really crappy childhood. (I would apologize for adding to the heap, except that while I'm a little embarrassed, I'm not sorry at all). --saffronhouse

It was kind of like someone took the biggest con I've ever been to, multiplied it by a thousand, fed it some acid and then set it on fire. --marzilla on Dragon*Con 2009

random, terminator, meta, stargate atlantis, fandom

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