Amusing side effect of all the race talk

Feb 06, 2009 18:30

My dreams have been a lot more diverse recently. Seriously, I normally don't notice race in dreams--I'm not sure if that counts as defaulting to white or not--but the last couple of nights it's been all about the racially diverse casting for some reason.

Granted, the dream two nights ago was a Twin Towers-esque disaster movie from which I would guess the characters of color would've been just as happy to be excused, but them's the breaks, I suppose. (Not as distressing as one might have thought--I tend to be pretty emotionally distanced from my dreams. Also I could teleport out of there at any time, so mostly I felt guilt about all the other people who were going to die. Uh, not that I thought about helping them at the time. Look, I was asleep, you can't apply moral guidelines to me while I'm asleep!)

ETA unrelated awesomeness: Useful Phrases for the Intergalactic Tourist. ("That is my companion. It is not intended as a tip.")

random, neato

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