Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Mar 03, 2008 22:34

Okay, so, ten minutes from the end I said--out loud, to the TV, in case it could hear me--"oh, don't you dare. Don't you do it!"

But Ellison survived! Yay! I thought surely he would, surely they wouldn't do this whole long plotline just to have him die at the end, but then I thought, well, maybe that's the point. So I was relieved. And then I was relieved that Charlie lived, too, though I'm not as attached to him. (I regret the presumed death of FBI Woman Whose Name I Never Got, but I suppose one can't have everything.) I'm kind of taken with the idea of a Charlie-and-Ellison plotline independent of the Connors for a little while, at least, but I guess we'll see. If nothing else, I'm thinking there's a heart-to-heart in their future.

Derek's continued insistence on "let's just blow it up!" made me laugh and laugh. And hey, from his perspective it gets blown up in a few years anyway, right? It's not like he's got some desperate need to see particular buildings stay up. I also really want to see wacky hijinks at Morris' prom, because I am totally easy like that. (But not wacky in the sense that Morris dies, because I rather like him.)

I actually warmed to Sarah considerably in these two episodes, and I'm not sure why. Well, the ponytail helped in Vick's Chip. (Look, I'm shallow. If she would just bring the bob back...! Ah well.) She felt more solid and in control, less... wavery. I liked that; I like her dynamic with Derek, where he's still pushing her and she's still trying to maintain her position. I'm a little wary of where that dynamic could go in a show that I very much want Sarah to remain central to (especially given that the notable secondary characters are pretty much all male) but for now I enjoy it.

Anyway, maybe I'll post again in coherent fashion later, when I have something to say other than LOVE and PLEASE DON'T DIE, SHOW.

Final thought: Dear show: The bit with Cameron and John and "we've done this before" was creepy. You know that, right? Excellent. I'm glad it was intentional. *ahem*

terminator, television, fandom

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