
Mar 02, 2008 10:41

(Doctor Who casting spoiler within.)

I seriously considered dedicating my grad thesis to the authors of "Oklahoma."

[later, on Iolokus]

I have fairly detailed memories of Mulder being tortured by one of his own clones. I think there were seven Mulder clones and, like, one was a serial killer, one was a prostitute, one was a soulless businessman, and...something else.

People placed a lot of significance on the story as meta-commentary on the show (so yes, it made no sense), and one of the defining examples--that I no longer remember why it was important, or how it was supposed to parallel--was that Krycek never actually appears onscreen, but is heavily present throughout the story nonetheless. He has sex with prostitute Mulder, of course.

Also, Scully has magical healing fertility-restoring sex with Marita. And Mulder has sex with Samantha, who has a clit ring. God, what else did I LEARN in grad school? --panisdead on Formative Fannish Stories

Sex is not effortless. Nor is it necessarily a complete mess every time it happens, unless you're stuck with somebody who can't read signals or carry off teamwork. (Hint: Before you sleep with somebody, get them to help you move a large piece of furniture. This will tell you a great deal about whether you really want to go there or not.) --matociquala

About the only good thing I can say about depression, which I also had, is that at least you don't feel crazy. (You are! But your crazy thoughts tend to feel completely realistic and rational. This has its own set of problems, but it's not quite so distressing.) --rachelmanija

I decided to be kind and spare you all an incredibly whiny post about my on-going state of pulmonary craptasticness. Suffice to say I just sunk $250 in hepa air filters for the family room and bedroom in hopes of negating the sealed bubble of dust allergen hell my house has become since we turned on the heat. The next step is shaving and lacquering the cats. --splash_the_cat

That said, I'm trepidatious. I really dislike the RTD-bashing that goes on, and I don't mean to join in, but I think the analogy goes something like this: Rose = champagne. I love champagne. I've enjoyed it many times, and I look forward to enjoying it again. But:

1) The end of S2 gave me a hangover; and
2) I think RTD might be an alcoholic. --yahtzee63

Now, if I could flag for "unable to use a spell checker," or "warning: rampantly misogynistic BS ahead," or "pro-Iraq War ranter still convinced that Saddam was responsible for 9/11," or "use of the phrase 'snug channel' omg," that would be useful. --nandamai

After about two minutes of consideration, I marked my journal "no adult content" since I don't generally post 1200 x 900 naked crotch shots, and frankly, if twelve-year-old wants to wade through five years of posts about office politics and stroke recovery to find one mention of Jack wrapping Daniel's balls with his rosary beads, then I think the poor thing has earned it, by god. --saffronhouse

At first the deviations are pretty minor, and in fact they kept a lot of the finer details that I figured would be omitted (they had to go to outrageous lengths (pun possibly intended) to have Beowulf fight Grendel in the nude without risking a restrictive rating, for example). However, by the middle of the movie things go way out of control. That's when I realized that, while it's hard to omit bits of story from a poem that's only three thousand lines long, it's actually really, really easy to add as much stuff as you want! The thing that kept me smiling, long after they'd butchered the plot of the poem, was thinking about how many completely screwed up Beowulf essays are going to be turned in, how many English lit tests are going to be failed, all due to this one film. Mwuhahaha! --isquiesque

And me - while this journal doesn't reflect my politics (on purpose) I am way the hell more invested in democracy than in porn. So. --hossgal

The fact that nobody was hurt at all, even the guy who drove his car through a wall of flame, clearly means that we are now living in the parallel universe where the A-Team took place. --head58 on the Everett tanker truck explosion

The fact that these people are not fucking nuts means that they are, in fact, utterly fucking nuts. --cofax7 on SG-1

This, I suppose, ties into the RPF thing to a certain extent; people get attached to the actor and follow that to its predictable conclusion, whereas my opinion is that actors have boring lives--it's the characters who are interesting! If I want to read about people working long hours and fighting to prevent middle-aged spread, I can read my own LJ. --cofax7

Angela Petrelli rocks it hardcore, but me and Heroes are still going on a trial separation pending news of improvements in the treatment of women and people of color, not to mention the pacing, the plotting, the dialogue, and/or the inexplicable failure to have West eaten by bears. --coffeeandink

Bostonians only drive poorly in unusual conditions. Like snow. Or rain. Or fog. Or sunshine. Or sleet. Or nighttime. Or daylight. You know, weird stuff we're not used to dealing with. --xiphias

heroes, random, doctor who, fandom, stargate sg-1, quotedump

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