
Jan 03, 2007 08:40

So anyway, yes… crashing al’kesh. It’s a WEATHER BALLOON! WE SWEAR! --orca_girl on Insiders

I'm not sure how anyone could see Daniel/Vala as being any sort of obstacle to Daniel/Jack, anyway. She'd just call them both "darling" and offer to bring more lube. --rydra_wong

I know it's hard to accept, but James Marsters is not, nor will he ever be, taller than Amanda Tapping. Really. So please, for the love of God, stop writing fic in which Spike is two inches taller than Sam, and she's a petite blonde. Lt. Colonel Sam Carter (omfg, how many times have I said this) is 5'9", blows shit up for fun, and regularly stomps around in combat boots. She is not a petite anything. --scrollgirl

I feel like if I can maintain eye contact with my boss when he catches me listening to explicit wingcest on my ipod at ten o'clock on a Monday morning, hurricane season is not going to faze me. --tripoli8

It might be cool to live a Ronon Action Lifestyle though. How much more engaging would taking the trash out to the curb if a big fireball went up behind you? Or if you dived sideways through doorways while holding your remote control to channel surf. *leap* "ILoveThe80sison!!" And you could have traumatic sepia toned flashbacks to tests you'd bombed in high school while removing splinters from your thumb. And you could scream and whimper a little, because you really hated that class. --telepresence

last night i dreamed i was in a series of meetings where a lot of things were getting *done*. huh, dreams can be so entertaining. --jenlev

Good lord. I haven't seen this much deathfic since X-Files fans were all plugging the word "nasopharyngeal" into their spell-checkers. --elz on Supernatural fandom

Oh, that's Apophis. I've heard about him. I expected someone bigger. --asta77, watching Children of the Gods for the first time

SG, let's never fight again. --tripoli8, on 200

Would Thor be legally authorized to perform weddings, being an actual god and all? Or would he have to get ordained on the internet like everybody else? --deifire on 200

Why are all my favorite shows either on FOX or produced by them? It's like loving a guy who likes to backhand you after having a focus group or two. --sophia_helix

Fanfic, to my mind, is borrowing someone else's Lego set and building a really cool structure with it. Plagiarism is coming upon a Lego castle already built and crowing "Look! See what I made!" --madrobins

Detachable Penis is a Pros vid. Enormous Penis is the Farscape vid.

(Another point to fandom in the "Wow, never thought I'd say that" game.) --nestra

Jack's suggestion about fishing is really code for original team group orgy. Which is why Vala and Cameron can't be there. That's my interpretation and I'm sticking to it. --destina on 200

From Vividcon, I have deduced that Life on Mars is a cop show with multiple lighting schemes, about a cop who is extremely confused about something or other and has an intense relationship with his television. Nevertheless, I suspect the show is not about fandom. --untrue_accounts

Remember how the show started out really depressing, all about humanity's genocide and little tiny infants getting their necks snapped? Yeah, and then remember how Season Two made that seem kind of fun, like a little kid's birthday party, only with rape camps? And they all joined a cult and there was a military coup? And then the POWs started getting brutally beaten and trying to commit suicide? And then the second half of the season sucked for a while and everybody on the show turned into drunk, cheating, lying assholes? And then it ended with the remnants of humanity getting put in a concentration camp? Wasn't that awesome?

So, like, they're saying Season Three's going to be "dark." --Jacob on Battlestar Galactica

Pluto: You wanted to see me, Skip?

Skip: C'mon in and shut the door...

Skip: This is the toughest job a manager has to do. But the organization has decided to make a change. You've been designated for assignment.

Pluto: Skip, I know I'm in a slump but I can turn it around. A couple of comets drop in, and I'm back in the groove!

Skip: I put in a word for you with the organization--told 'em I thought you'd make a fine moon someday.

Pluto: I've only been on the team since 1930. I'd have like to at least finished my first orbit.

Skip: There might be an opening at Alpha Centauri next year... --dxmachina on Pluto's demotion

I just like that phrase "erotic reimagining." That's totally how I'm going to describe my hobby from now on. "It's not gay porn about comic book characters, it's an erotic reimagining of modern mythology!" Maybe I could throw a "cyber-" or "digital-" in there somewhere too. --liviapenn

God says yes to me

I asked God if it was okay to be melodramatic
and she said yes
I asked her if it was okay to be short
and she said it sure is
I asked her if I could wear nail polish
or not wear nail polish
and she said honey
she calls me that sometimes
she said you can do just exactly
what you want to
Thanks God I said
And is it even okay if I don't paragraph
my letters
Sweetcakes God said
who knows where she picked that up
what I'm telling you is
Yes Yes Yes

Kaylin Haught (born 1947)

Solutions and Gateworld have joined forces in a save SG-1 campaign. The end is now nigh. --splash_the_cat

After nine years of cheering the Jaffa on in their fight for independence, I'm starting to wonder if they should even be allowed to decide which shoes to put on in the morning, because seriously. --danceswithwords on Counterstrike

untrue_accounts: I'm looking for the particular hit of the relationship between Sam and Dean--the dependence, the love, the devotion--and that's there, sort of by necessity, in romantic fic, and it isn't always there in gen. In a lot of the fics, I end up focusing on other scenes and skimming or skipping the sex scenes, because I am really much more interested in the emotional hit than the turn-on.

elz: I've been doing the exact same thing, and this isn't the only fandom where that's true. And I always find it rather deeply ironic that I'm reading x-rated internet porn and thinking, "Why must there be so much sex? Could I have some more talking? A bit more plot? Maybe a nice hug or two?"

My daughter loves the rhyme, although she amends it to indicate the little bunny foo foo was bopping the mice on the head with a shovel. And then we segue into why it's not good to hit... --casperflea on parenting

bsg, random, stargate atlantis, supernatural, stargate sg-1, quotedump

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