The Amazing Race

Sep 22, 2006 18:51

Wow, I don't think there's anyone yet who I desperately want to throw off of a tall building! A few teams who may very well come to bug--even bug a lot--but for now? Very nice.

Peter and Sarah: "Newly" dating, hmm? Yeah, the fact that he was her coach first is showing, and depending on how that dynamic goes I may get annoyed with them. But they treated each other basically well and they didn't pull the "we're trying to Test Our Relationship!" card so I'm okay with them for now. The "you're great! You're fantastic! Go go go!" thing will probably grate on me over time, but he seems to mean it, so that helps.

We'll see how things go with Sarah using her leg as an advantage. I guess our last example of a physical disability that could be used like that was Charla, and I didn't like her trying to pull the "oh, I'm terribly sick and need a doctor!" lie but I didn't mind her taking reasonable advantages, especially considering the disadvantage she was already working with. So Sarah pre-boarding doesn't bother me a bit (and besides, what good does it really do her?)

Dustin and Kandice: Okay, these are the beauty queens, not the cheerleaders, right? They were fine. They were very blonde. They weren't doing the irritating giggle-and-simper thing the Pretty Girl Teams sometimes do.

Tyler and James: Well, at least the alpha male whiteboy team has an addiction hook this year. That's different. Nothing wrong with them yet, but nothing interesting either.

Lyn and Karlyn: The quick irritation with Sarah didn't make me love them, but we'll see where that goes--I don't expect them all to love each other, but I don't enjoy listening to teams bitch about each other, either. I liked them fine other than that, and I liked that... er, the second one to climb, I can never tell the same-sex teams apart at this point... anyway, that she was supportive of the other one. Friends teams are often the most functional, and I do like me some functional teams.

On the other hand, the idea that single parenting is easier than partnered parenting is crazy-ass insan-o nuts, and I say that as a non-parent. Single parenting easier than parenting with someone awful, sure, but... lady, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be with you on that one. No matter how sweet I always find parents who want to make their kids proud of them, and I do find that sweet.

David and Mary: Oh, I foresee this going horribly, horribly wrong, as they get more and more tired and Mary completely snaps. Which will be sad, because while they're obviously one of the two Bickering Couples on the race--or rather, she bickers and he takes it--I do believe that they have actual affection for each other. Like, oh, Lori and Bolo.

I like that Mary's blunt, but she's going to get on my nerves with the hectoring of David. Still, points for getting up the wall and taking the trouble to figure out how to say something resembling thank you in Chinese, which not every team does. Plus, I always like seeing people who haven't traveled getting the opportunity to. I mean, she's never been out of Kentucky or Tennessee? Wow.

(Also, "the man makes the decisions" made me laugh and laugh. You just go on telling yourself that, Mary.)

Duke and Lauren: Oh, I was doubtful when Duke brought out the "disappointed" line, but. Well. Obviously I don't support the belief that homosexuality is wrong, but what I've seen so far with these two is a father and daughter who suffered a blow to their relationship, and love each other enough that they're trying to overcome that blow and become closer. They interacted well, their affection for each other came through consistently, and I'm rooting for them to get good things out of this race, one way or another.

Vipul and Arti: Aww, they seemed so nice and now they're out. That's sad.

Rob and Kimberly: Oh, it's this team. Fantastic. Please turn out to be less horrific to each other than I fear, guys! There's still hope for you! I like that Rob was all "yeah, my girlfriend rocks" when that other guy said so!

Bilal and Sa'eed: OUCH. THAT sucks, getting the mid-episode boot. (Which I can't imagine there'll be many more of--the numbers wouldn't support it.) I don't know how I would've felt about them long-term; their personalities seemed fun, but the religiosity might have gotten on my nerves. On the plus side, they weren't pulling the "God, help me win!" thing. "God's in control" is always less irritating to listen to. "I don't shake women's hands," more irritating, but they didn't go long enough to discover whether that was going to end up reflecting attitudes toward actual women that would have made me dislike them.

Tom and Terry: Okay, I'm running out of energy here, so these last ones will be short. They were fine, I was entertained to see them beat the cheerleaders on the basically-dancing task, they seemed to treat each other well, the "I can't dooooo it!" could potentially get old.

Kellie and Jamie: Again, fine. I liked that they approach each other as athletes; I'm not going for the idea of cheerleading as a sport, but it's certainly an athletic endeavor and I can see it serving them in good stead. Again, not too horrifyingly giggly-girly, and treated each other well.

But no, girls, Muslims do not worship Buddha. OH MY GOD.

Erwin and Godwin: I was hoping to really like them, and I do like them well enough, but I'm not sold. The water guns were annoying (plus, kind of dumb) and they weren't as capable overall as I'd hoped. But they're certainly pretty, and they got points from me for "We're going back to the homeland! ...wait, we're not Chinese." I would totally be that kind of dork in that situation.

television, tar

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