Aug 10, 2009 13:52
There is too much stuff that I need to do and pay for this year
And I don't have the money to do it =[
Oct Expo
I've just worked it out. It's gonna cost me about £120 for both days, presuming I can get nice and cheap train tickets. And that is all my EMA from the beginning of september to the day of the expo. So I know already that I will practically have no money until November-ish
Leeds TB
Train ticket was just over £10 I think, plus another tenner for spending. So that's only £20, which is just one week of EMA, not too bad. But I also have to drag together another cosplay for it, though the current plans aren't too bad.
Midlands Expo
When I went to Mike+Nics it was about £20 for an adult train ticket (was child at the time, £12 =]) so will be about £5 more maybe? No idea how much it costs to get in, plus I'll want spending money, plus another cosplay.
If this is indeed where I wear Rikku that's gonna cost me a bit (maybe I should save her for May if I can go)
May Expo
Going along the lines of October, £120 plus added for new cosplay (unless it's Rikku, or I re-wear it, which I may). The again, I would only really be able to go for both days if Laura isn't in Africa by then, which she may well be. There is no way I could afford a hotel, no way.
And that's just cons.
We said we'd go. 2 years ago we said we'd go. Don't know how much it is, shall we say £100? It all depends when we go, how long for, I'm just gonna round to £100
Centenery Camp
£200, though my mum said she'd pay for half, that's useful. I really want to go, chance in a lifetime.
Shiny laptop
Uni-ness and I need a good laptop. I'll get some money for it, but I'm thinking I'll have to add about £200 to get a good one.
Alton Towers trip
£50, though that at least is gonna be next september, but still, unless I get a job, it's going to come out of this year's EMA
For the moment, that's all I can think of, all the big events that I want to go to
And that all comes up to....£750 at my best guess
My EMA is gonna be worth about £800
At least it doesn't completely brake the bank
But, that isn't including birthday+christmas present, various outings with friends and other things I may just want or have to spend money on
This year will be tight, and I'm only 17
I need job
Damn you local pubs for wanting someone who's 18 =[