FF: Fixation and Denial (8-9/9)

Aug 08, 2007 13:50

And now, the conclusion of Fixation and Denial.  R/R please!!

Title: Fixation and Denial
Rating: varies, M chaps are clearly identified
Pairing: C/O, OFC/Serena Southerlyn
Disclaimer: Don't own them...sad :(
Feedback: YES!!!

Chapter 8
Rated M
Sitting in the restaurant with Serena, Casey waited for Alex to arrive. She was worried that Alex was going to tell her that Liv was either straight or that Liv wasn’t interested in her.
Casey and Serena turned their heads at the same time to see Alex making her way to their table. “Detective,” Serena smiled and got up from the table, “How’s the first day back?”
Kissing Serena lightly, Alex replied, “The television showed less gore than I saw today, but that’s irrelevant. I’ve got things to tell Casey.” The three of them ordered their meals, and then Alex began to talk, “Casey, Liv looks lonely. Maybe you should go talk with her and cheer her up.” The smile in Alex’s eyes was shimmering, and Casey figured Alex knew something she didn’t.
“Why would I want to Alex? She’s not interested in me like I am in her. Liv could have any woman she wants, why would she pick me?” Casey’s self-doubt was rising to the surface now.
“Maybe because she wants you and is just too terrified of getting hurt to admit it.” Serena had picked up over the phone from Alex just what was going on, and didn’t want Casey to be too aware as to what was happening with Liv.
“Serena, could you leave the table for a minute? I want to talk to Casey alone.”
“Sure, I have to check my messages anyway.” Serena got up and walked outside to make her phone calls.
“Look Casey, I’ll tell you something about Serena and me. When we started going out, she was the one who asked me out; and when we broke up, I didn’t date that entire three years we were separated. Neither did she. Why? Because we would have felt as though we were cheating on one another. Liv hasn’t been out on a date since you came to SVU. How do I know this? Because Liv is my very best friend and mentor, and we tell each other everything. You haven’t been out on a date since you came to SVU. How do I know this? I’m sleeping with your best friend. If you can get the balls to ask Liv out, I guarantee she’ll say yes. If you want to make it a double date with Serena and myself, I can lie to Liv and say that Serena and I are going to the cabin I own in northern New York and you’re coming with. Then she’ll definitely say yes, because she’ll make an excuse about how she should go just so you’ll have someone to talk to while we’re fucking somewhere.”
“Well…I don’t know. Do you think it’ll work?”
“Does she think what will work?” Serena asked, as she returned from her phone calls.
“Casey’s going up to the cabin with us, and I’m going to invite Liv along,” Alex explained, winking at Serena as she did so.
“Really? Well, I have wanted to get away from New York for a weekend; Liv will fall for this hands down,” Serena said, then quickly added, “Don’t worry Casey, it’s a two-bedroom cabin, you and Liv will have complete privacy.” Casey blushed, but thanked her friends for helping her and then began to work out the details as their food arrived.
-That Friday Evening-
As Alex loaded up her Jeep with Serena’s things, she ran over her mental checklist that she had prepared:
ü     Clothing
ü     Toiletries
ü     Food
ü     Wine and Soda
ü     Sheets for the beds
ü     Random other things that I think of last minute
Confident in her packing skills, she finished loading everything into the Jeep and went back up to get Serena. The two of them then headed to Casey’s apartment and then Liv’s apartment.
            As they began the 3 hour ride up to the cabin, there was silence. The rules for conversation were simple, no talking about work. Casey decided to speak up, and asked Liv, “So how have you been doing?”
            “Pretty good. I get to return to work this Monday, the doctor finally released me from doing anything physical.” In the front seat, Alex and Serena began laughing.
            “That’s not what I meant you two!!” Olivia clarified, but then fell into laughter as Casey, Serena and Alex continued laughing at Liv’s choice of words.
“Wow, this cabin is really nice Alex, I’m impressed!” Casey said, shocked at the two story log cabin.
“Yeah it’s alright. It has electricity, water and a fireplace. All the amenities of the city but out and away from everyone else.” Alex was pleased at Liv and Casey’s expressions. They had not expected such a large place to stay, though Casey had heard Alex say that there were two bedrooms, she didn’t think they would be on two different floors. “Welcome to my home away from home, ladies. I’m going to drop by the neighbors and let them know I’m here. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Wait Alex, I’ll come with you. Can the two of you move everything inside?” Serena didn’t really ask them, but the two of them nodded in the affirmative, so Alex and Serena headed down the road to their neighbor’s.
“Well, that was a rather obvious attempt to get us alone together. Don’t you think?” Casey was nervous now that the two of them were alone together.
“Well, Alex has this knack for interfering in people’s personal lives. Serena does too, apparently.” Liv was pissed at her friends for trying to force Casey on her. “Look, Casey, I really like you, but…”
“But I’m not good enough for you or you are not good enough for me right? Olivia, I love you. I have loved you ever since I met you, even though you yelled at me for showing up at the scene. Liv, I love you and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you back away from this, from US.” Casey took a deep breath and waited for Liv’s response.
Liv looked at Casey, a million thoughts running through her head, What should I do? Should I run? Should I tell her how I feel? Should I lie to her? Should I… Liv’s thought process stopped functioning as she kissed Casey passionately, their tongues wrestling for control. Casey dug her hands into Liv’s hair as the kiss grew in intensity, until, “We leave for 10 minutes and they are already making out. Damn we’re good.” Alex grinned at Serena, “Told you they were perfect for one another.”
“I will never doubt you again, baby,” Serena said, suppressing a laugh as Liv decided to chase Alex. They came back about ten minutes later, after Casey and Serena had brought everything in. “It’s kind of late girls, what say we head to bed?”
“See you two in the morning,” Alex smiled and picked up Serena, “What say we head to bed?”
“I agree one hundred percent baby.” Serena said, kissing Alex, “Let’s give them plenty of alone time; they have alot of time to make up.”
In Alex and Serena’s room, Alex laid Serena down on the bed and climbed on top of her. They began to kiss; tongues wrestling, hands groping and slowly clothing began to become undone. Alex slid down Serena’s body kissing it as she went lower and lower. Alex flicked Serena’s clit with her tongue, and then looking up at Serena said, “Wow you’re wet.”
“Only for you baby, only for you.” Serena said, pulling Alex up to her and holding her closely kissing her and letting her hands slide down Alex’s body.

Chapter 9
           Rated: M
Upstairs, Casey and Liv made the bed with the sheets Casey had brought. Then Casey went to take a shower. Liv snuck in behind her, and wrapped her arms around Casey’s waist, “Hey there gorgeous.”
Casey smiled, “Now I’m starting to see how you and Alex are alike. You’re both smooth operators.”
“Can we not talk about Alex or Serena right now?”
“Fine,” Casey said, turning in Liv’s arms, “What would you rather we talk about?”
“How about we don’t talk at all?” With that, Liv pulled Casey into a deep kiss. Liv didn’t like to lose control, which Casey knew by now after working with her for so long. Casey pushed Liv against the wall of the shower and began to slowly kiss her way down Liv’s toned body.
“God, Liv! You’re so fucking hot.” Casey continued sliding down Liv’s body until she reached her goal. She slid her index finger and her middle finger into Liv, which happened smoothly, Liv was so wet. Casey’s tongue found her clit and it wasn’t long until Casey had Liv writhing in ecstasy, “Casey! Oh GOD! FUCK!” Liv came with such force that when she had finished Casey had to hold her up.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Serena had regained control over Alex and was currently sliding her tongue in and out of Alex’s wet folds, flicking her clit with each passing. Alex came, shaking for a few moments and arching her back off of the bed before she came down from the heights Serena had taken her to. “You know, I think this country air is good for us. We’re alot less tense.”
“Well yeah, now we are after we just had sex.” Serena smiled, looking at her lover, tracing the definition of Alex’s toned abs with her fingers.
“Your turn baby,” as Alex rolled on top of Serena and kissed her passionately Alex’s hands drifted down Serena’s body, cupping her breasts and hips. Serena tried to wrestle Alex off of her, but failed as Alex used her military training to keep her on the bed underneath her.
“I knew there was good cause to be in the military,” Alex smiled as she began thrusting her fingers into Serena as she kissed her.
Serena laughed, “Yeah, every now and then it does pay off.”
“Oh God baby…Alex….Alex…..ALEX!” Serena came violently, holding Alex tightly against her the entire time. As Serena calmed down, they heard Casey scream out, “LIV!” Alex chuckled, and then looking at Serena said, “That is what happens when you deny each other for so long.”
“We should know that after what we went through. I love you baby,” Serena said, kissing Alex passionately.
“I love you too, sweetie,” Alex pulled Serena against her and held her as they went to sleep.
Upstairs, Casey and Liv lay against each other, exhausted from their passionate love making. “Remind me to thank Alex and Serena tomorrow.” Casey said, snuggled up against Olivia.
“Me too. To be honest Casey, I would have never asked you out or done any of this. I thought you were either straight or wouldn’t be interested in an old fart like me.”
“Liv, please, you’re as much an old fart as Serena is an uncaring bitch. I understand that you were scared of getting turned down. I love you Liv.”
“I love you too Casey,” smiling Liv pulled Casey closer before finally going to sleep.

serena southerlyn, olivia benson, casey novak, author:katie_drake, title:fixation and denial

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