Impossible Monocle

Dec 30, 2010 17:50

I have been to the sales twice in the last two days. In that time I have managed to buy:

- pants (useful but boring, and not in the sale)
- some bog-standard toiletries
- a Gregg's pasty
- an overpriced tin of coconut milk

Not exactly a rip-roaring success, as I'm sure you'll agree. No frames for all my lovely new pictures, no cuff links to finish off my Eames costume (oh yeah, I'm dressing up as an ambiguously gendered Eames for a fannish New Years party - you wish you were me), no new clothes. I always was shit at shopping.

I had an excellently restful holiday. Last Thursday we went into Bordeaux for a bit on the way home from the airport and after that I literally did not set foot (or any other part) outside the parental abode until we left for the airport yesterday. Good show, me. I spent my time reading and watching a lot of TV, as the holidays should be spent. One thing I started watching was Luther, starring the excellent (and smoking hot) Idris Elba, and now I'm mainly just annoyed that I didn't start watching it sooner! That'll teach me to ignore hestia8's recommendations for so long.

Thank you for my Christmas presents, peeps - you surpassed yourselves. Hope you all enjoyed the ones you got. People I have not yet given presents to, we will have to arrange hang-outs.

And now I depart to do some washing up (back to the old routine) and watch another episode of Luther.

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