I thought I'd perform a tiny Christmas miracle and update! I have had a smashing day in France with the parentals. We had presents and food and half a game of Trivial Pursuit (the second half will occur tomorrow, I imagine) and Doctor Who and the first episode of the SciFi version of Alice that
chaletian bought me and a Poirot. And I discovered that Primeval is back next weekend and made a face of glee and did actual clappy hands. I am currently reading
bandomstuffsit and Yuletide fic and trying to decide what size of
this smashing Christmas jumper to buy - small so it fits me properly or large so it swamps slightly? Tough choices. Also, I got
polar bear gloves off my sister. Epique.
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas/December 25th, flist! And indeed a lovely past 6 months. I have mostly been around, just lurking...