Wow, where did April go?! All of a sudden, it's May and I realized I haven't done one of these yet. So, here I am with an update.
April was a pretty good month. Only one day off from work, so I'll be getting a pretty nice paycheck--the one upside of no breaks. The weather has been great--I wore shorts last week (eek! white legs!)--but with enough rainy days to wash the pollen out of the air, so my allergies haven't been too bad. I sold several more copies of Broken Wings and got paid my quarterly earnings from Smashwords and Amazon. Not a fortune, but enough to make me smile (^_^) so thanks. I've been concentrating on writing Moonlight and Dragon Bait, so I haven't got anything else worked on, but that's okay.
May is going to be pretty busy. Next weekend is our spring craft sale, so I've been spending a lot of my free time making crochet dish cloths, which are our most popular item. I can make one in about a half an hour, while watching TV. Lol, I can even crochet that pattern with my eyes closed (really, I've tried!). Of course, I've made hundreds of them, so I should be pretty good at it. ^_^ After that, I'll be house-sitting the 5, 6, 7, and 8th of May, and again on the 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19th. Then we have our last long weekend of the school year and after that, it's June and summer vacation will be in sight! I am so ready.
I'm still having some trouble with Moonlight. Sometimes, I just feel like giving up again, because everything that I've written since I came back from my hiatus will have to be re-written, because it's all wrong. Izeri is too fey, Charias is too nice, the secret is too big, the sex is too soon, the writing is all over the place, and I just don't know what to do. The only thing I can do, I guess, is keep pushing through this frustration and hope it gets better. I really appreciate all the comments I get on the chapters that I post, because a lot of the time, they confirm the doubts that I already have, or even offer ideas that I haven't thought of.
Dragon Bait is going well, but is going to be longer than I first expected. I did finally think of an ending, which is good. I actually have two options--one that is kind of open to possibilities, and one that is bitter-sweet and sentimental. I may write both and see what the readers think.
That's it for this month. Don't forget to check out my
tumblr account for WIP Wednesday every week! Until next time! ^_^