Jan 27, 2009 02:33
1. I have a dream to write a book someday...either a children's book or a novel, I haven't decided yet.
2. I don't like coffee or tea, but I will choke it down when necessary.
3. Despite fact number 2, I worked as a Barista in 4 different coffee shops, three of them Seattle's Best (one in downtown Seattle) and one Starbucks. I even was manager of the last one I worked in for almost a year.
4. I can think of nothing better than climbing into bed with a clean body, clean sheets, and clean pajamas.
5. I love to read, mostly Christian historic fiction but lately some mysteries too.
6. I listen to more talk radio than music. All of it is conservative (Sean Hannity, Rush, Dr. Laura, etc)... I am one of the "conservatives in exile."
7. I volunteer 3 hours every other week at the the Ronald McDonald house in Portland and love every minute of it.
8. I'm allergic to bananas and chlorine, and possibly hydrocortisone and lanolin (not yet confirmed, but likely).
9. I have two life-long diseases that were not caused by anything I did.
10. I am a strong believer that there is only one Savior, and His name ain't Obama.
11. I sew purses and bags out of our old jeans, ties, and sweatshirts, and am considering selling them at some point.
12. I hate yogurt unless it is a very specific kind.
13. I am a serious SERIOUS Disney addict, and I LOVE running around the parks and acting like a little kid! Every time I leave the parks I get really really sad and start planning our next trip the day we get home. I have a problem.
14. I was a dancer for 15 years... ballet, tap, and jazz, and was in a pre-professional program at my college till I got sick of the politics and dropped it for music.
15. Store-bought macaroni salad is one of my guilty pleasures. So is cheese melted on bread.
16. I sing 1st Soprano in a choir called the Oregon Chorale based out of Hillsboro, OR. We're kind of a big deal. ;-)
17. I love to bake and cook, some times all at the same time. Feeding people makes me happy.
18. Being away from my family (including my in-laws) makes me sad.
19. I lived in Ireland for a year and traveled to 6 countries in Europe with my husband. The traveling was great, but the living without a dishwasher, a car, more than 10 sets of clothes and anything to do was not particularly fun.
20. My husband is amazing and I think I was very lucky and very blessed to have married him, especially so young so we have more time together.
21. I absolutely love to garden and will talk about it endlessly if someone asks.
22. I got married at 7,000 ft and arrived to and from our wedding locale on Mt. Hood via Snow Cat.
23. I love sleep more than just about anything. I will sleep for 15 hours if someone will let me. Sometimes it happens. :-)
24. Someday I would like to finish a cross word puzzle all by myself.
25. I want to be a mom someday, and I am sort of hoping for two girls (but not all at once). I guess we'll see what God has planned.