Where is your hope?

Jan 20, 2009 00:13

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from him." Psalm 62:5

The facts:

Obama submitted a bailout plan for $825 billion. This bailout plan "will likely save or create three to four million jobs," the words from Obama himself. If the government makes 3 million jobs, that is a salary of $275,000 per job. How many people will actually get paid that much in their "new" jobs? None. They will probably get between $50,000-$60,000 a year. You know where all that extra money is going? To the unions. You know who donated millions to Obama's campaign? THE UNIONS. So there ya go. Not even sworn in and his corruption is plain to be seen.

There is NO data whatsoever that comes close to equally comparing this small recession to the drastic Great Depression. None. There is a lot of talk out there to make it seem like it is the end of the world, but people need to settle down and keep working hard instead of looking to our government to bail us out! It is normal for recessions to happen, and without government involvement it will turn around within four years. If the government gets involved like FDR and creates useless jobs that productive workers end up paying more taxes for, it will take much longer (FDR made the depression stretch from 1929 to 1941 when we entered the war due to the jobs he created that basically sucked money out of the economy rather than giving something back). Businesses will go bankrupt, people will lose their jobs, finance will get tighter, but if we WORK HARD and STOP LOOKING FOR A HANDOUT things will change. Obama won't change it... the more he and the government get involved, the worse it will be. Stop taking our money, Big Brother, to support others who won't work and instead give it back so we can feed our own families and not go on welfare! Duh!

Obama's campaign was all about "change in Washington." How is is he going to accomplish that with a cabinet full of Washington politicians who have been there for YEARS? Hilary Clinton? Joe Biden? And let's talk about the other scandalous members of the cabinet.... Bill Richardson, Secretary of Commerce, is being investigated by a federal grand jury in New Mexico, Gov. Rod Blagijevich was arrested several weeks ago by the FBI and is being charged with trying to sell Obama’s vacated U.S. Senate seat from Illinois, and Treasury Secretary-designate Timothy Geithner failed to pay $34,000 in taxes from 2001 to 2004. WHAT? The treasury secretary failed to pay his taxes for 4 years and Obama still supports him?? Whoa. Maybe Obama will let all of us get away with not paying our taxes! Oh wait, that's probably just allowed by his closest friends and relatives... in any case, mark my words, this corruption is just the beginning warning signs of things to come in the next 4 years.

Oh, and talking about taxes, Obama is including a plan for all of the states who are in the black to support all the states in the red. Yup, that means we will ALL be paying California's debt this year. Sound good to you?? California isn't even giving people tax refunds this year because they have no money to give (meaning people who overpaid in their taxes this past year aren't gettin' it back any time soon). Sounds like a personal problem, Cali... stop whining to the Feds and start figuring out your budget. You may also want to rethink some of your high taxes so people will move BACK to your state.

Here are some disgusting and mislead statistics from the Associated Press:
"With the U.S. facing the gravest economic crisis since the Great Depression [LIE], the poll found broad optimism that Obama could help turn things around. Seventy-one percent of those polled said the economy will likely improve during the first year of his presidency; 65 percent said unemployment will go down; 72 percent said the stock market would be on the rise; and 63 percent said their personal economic situation would improve."

So Obama is going to make you rich, give you jobs, magically rise the stock market, and heroically save the world from imminent disaster?? *GAG* Who is daft enough to believe that this one man is capable of anything of the sort? It's like the gullible undergraduate students who believes they will all be making $100,000 when they graduate. This is the problem... people believe Obama is the answer to all their problems. Sorry to tell ya... the world will not change overnight. His plans won't all work. The economy may still recess. The stock market will probably continue to fall. Your bank account won't get any bigger tomorrow because he became president. And that is the truth.

I'm being REALISTIC. All these people floating around like Obama is going to save us just makes me nauseated. The "hope" and "change" they seek can't be found in this man any more than it can be found in your pet chihuahua or favorite slippers. Why would you put your hope in man, when man can't do anything but fail? Where is your hope?

My hope is in something bigger. I am setting my sights on things above, not things of this earth. (Colossians 3:2) My hope is in God. He's not a comfort blanket, He is the true Living God who is "the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." Rev. 22:13

I'm going to rest easy tonight because God is in control of my life, not Barack Obama (PRAISE THE LORD for THAT!). And I'll tell ya what, I'm going to NOT watch the presidential inauguration because I am so disgusted by the way Obama has lied to the people of America, and disgusted by the way the people have loved him for it.

Obama won't solve all your problems. He will just promise he will. Please don't be shocked when his promises collapse.

That is all. Proceed with your Obama-adoration comments, I know they are coming.

*P.S. To the cowardly person who commented that I don't work...
I do work. I work to support my husband and my family. I maintain our home by doing our taxes, planting and growing our own garden, planning meals, budgeting, grocery shopping, trip planning, cooking, baking, cleaning the entire house, sending cards, buying gifts, helping friends, landscaping, organizing, repairing the cars, and keeping my husband fed, clothed, and happy. And if that is not enough, I also do volunteer work at the Ronald McDonald house, helping families in need. Just because I don't get paid does not mean I don't work. I am highly insulted that you would deduce the role of homemaker down to someone who is unemployed. It makes me sad that you are so misinformed.
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