Christmas Eve!

Dec 24, 2007 12:52

A merry Christmas Eve to all!

If you don't celebrate it, no offense intended, and may I extend whatever PC holiday greeting I'm supposed to put up in place of this one.

Tonight we have the family invasion coming to our house...which mom considers to be a "smaller group than usual."

Anyone who knows the size of my family may feel free to laugh. "Smaller" means that there will be 20 people in my living room instead of the usual 30 or more. If all goes well, we'll get through the entire holiday without any fights, drunken or otherwise, andd everyone will still be speaking at the end of it. I think mom is planning on buying games to induce "family bonding" which...I'm doubtful, but willing to give it a try.

Before everyone comes, we're going to church...somewhere. Mom wants to go to the local church, instead of the one we normally go to, and I confess myself less than thrilled. I really dislike that church, and was quite looking forward to the almost-homecoming feeling I get when we go back to the old church. It's not the service I care about, mostly the people. Christmas services are Christmas services, but I was looking forward to seeing people I haven't seen...probably since last Christmas.

But it's up to mom, as I am not the one driving, and we'll do what she says. Dad isn't really the church going type (though he was raised as close to a catholic as a Lutheren can get) and so he looks grumpy when church is mentioned and won't put forth an opinion. So I find myself outvoted by means of convenience.

We celebrated with dad's family last night, which was fun as always. There are only about 10 of us on that side of the family, and so it's much closer, and any fighting goes on at other times of the year, and much more quietly, and for this they are all grately endeared to me. I got some nice presents, including earrings I should actually be able to wear, and spiffy gloves that look so very warm and very stylish. All in all, a very good evening. The family picture was...entertaining, and Joseph looks like a doll/axe-murderer. Entertaining.

Here's to all surviving this holiday season!

All by rec, and only the ones that look like it will be possible to get from the library before break is over.

-The Abarat Series
-Across the Nightingale Floor
-American Gods
-I am the Messenger
-Mists of Avalon

Non fiction:
-Brothers in arms, best of friends
-The Eternal Chalace

I was going to read Son of a Witch, until I realized that I left my copy up at school. Sigh.

Am still very open for any suggestions...our library is sort of stupid, so it's becoming harder and harder to find half the things that get suggested. So, the more recs the happier of a Katia I will be.

And "The Book Thief" if you could let me find you again and not be lost among all my crap, that would be great. THX

Now...time to go hunt down the only nice pair of heels I have.


english majors live in boxes, christmas, holidays

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