No-one could say that life in our road is uneventful. This morning our next door neighbour's son nearly got arrested for the second time over non-payment of fines for not having his parking permit. We are in a controlled parking zone so all residents have to pay to park here. M's argument is that as he only lives here 4 days a week he doesn't need to pay. The bailiffs were having none of it and turned up in full on protective gear. I was doing some gardening and did not go out and gawp but J and most of our other neigbours were interested onlookers until they all got bored and missed the denoument. We think he eventually paid up rather than have his car towed away as another neighbour and the police, who turned up too, were trying to calm him down. He's a very cheery, jolly guy but he does have a very short fuse and this is the result.
In happier news another of our neighbours has just had a kidney transplant. She's been waiting for about 3 years, interrupted by the pandemic, and this is about the third or fourth time she's been called in for a possible match. All the other times the kidney wasn't suitable but this time it was all OK. She had the op on Friday and is due home later today!
Back to the meme.
6. If you use libraries, what is the largest overdue fine you've ever had?
Probably about 1/- as I'm quite careful about library fines and haven't needed to pay one for a long, long time. Going to the library was something my dad and I did together when I was young so I made sure I took his last set of library books back on time after he died and had rather a sniffle when I left them at the desk.
7. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
About 3 weeks ago when I started wearing a mouthguard. It's less uncomfortable than I thought it would be but I'm still not sure it's stopping me from gritting my teeth. We shall see.
8. Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for?
Christmas is the only holiday I decorate for.
9. What craft project do you want to do next?
In an ideal world I would finish the counted cross stitch that I've been doing for about the last 20 years or knit the scarf from a kit that I bought for my mother. Unfortunately my varifocal glasses mean that both embroidery and knitting are tricky at the moment so neither of these things are likely to happen at all until I get some new glasses. It's not exactly a craft project but the project I really must finish next is digitising my dad's slides. I've done half of them but paused before Christmas and haven't got back to it yet. Most of them are shots of places I can't identify but occasionally I come across buried family photos so it is worth doing.
10. Do you have any family members that you've never met?
Yes. I have a new great-nephew who is only 6 weeks old so I hope to meet him fairly soon.
The rest of the August questions are behind the cut.
11. When it comes to friends, what's the biggest thing you have in common?
12. Did you ever hit anything while learning to drive?
13. Do you prefer bright colors, dark colors, or pastel colors?
14. How long have you lived with the person/people you currently live with?
15. What was the dumbest thing you ever did as a teenager?
16. Would you prefer hardwood flooring or carpet in your home?
17. What’s the most you’ll pay for a pair of shoes?
18. Which flower is your favorite?
19. Which season do you think is the prettiest?
20. What is the last thing you cooked?
21. If you could live in a fictional world, which would it be?
22. Where was the farthest you’ve ever traveled from home?
23. Have you ever slammed the door when you were mad?
24. How old were you when you met your first love?
25. Were your college years the best years of your life?
26. What’s the most relaxing thing you did today?
27. What do you usually drink with breakfast?
28. How many closets does your house have?
29. What year is your car?
30. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet?
31. Do you have a garden or outside space?