More of the same (Day 358 since Lockdown 1, Day 71 of Lockdown 3)

Mar 16, 2021 16:18

Not much new going on at the moment! I spoke to my cousin P on the phone this morning which was lovely. It's his birthday today and we'd sent a card which he really liked so he rang to say thank you. I think I'm turning into my mother-in-law as she always had a stash of spare birthday cards and I've discovered in the past year that that isn't a bad idea. We often get them from online companies but occasionally they don't suit so I was pleased to have this one.

The meal we had delivered on Friday was absolutely delicious though there was slightly more preparation required than we anticipated. It was really only a matter of heating it up but it took a little while. As J was doing it I wasn't bothered and just drank more gin. I never used to like gin ... but I do now!

On with the meme.

13. Do you work harder with or without supervision?

I work best as part of a team. When I know people are relying on me to do something I get on and do it as fast as possible without needing supervision. To be honest for most of my career I didn't have a lot of supervision as we were expected to be able to motivate ourselves. We also didn't have a lot of management but that's another story.

14. Are details more your thing or do you prefer focusing on the big picture?

Probably details but I do have to be aware of the big picture.

15. Are you likely to make more friends out of people you approached or are all friends of ours part of your extended inner circle?

I don't quite understand the question. I have different groups of friends who I have made through the course of my life but there is no extended inner circle. Some of them know each other, some of them don't, which is mostly to do with geographic location and where I know them from.

16. In an argument are you more willing to compromise or do you impose your point of view until the very end?

I am an arch compromiser unless I think the person is being particularly stupid or I have had too much gin. I would have to know a person really well to start arguing with them. J and I are pretty much on the same page, though we might have the odd "discussion" about the necessity of doing something at a particular time but we don't really argue. I haven't had a good argument since my mum died as she *loved* to argue and I never minded telling her she was completely wrong about something :)

The rest of the March questions are behind the cut

17. What activities make you lose track of time?
18. What did you love to do as a teen?
19. Do you have a preferred toothpaste brand?
20. What is something you really wanted as a child?
21. What parent are you more like?
22. Do you have a preference on name brand vs store brand?
23. Preferred water temperature for showering?
24. What was the size of your high school?
25. What's an opinion you held for a long time that you no longer hold?
26. What is the most frivolous item you own? (No purpose or value)
27. Have you ever failed a class?
28. Do you have a certain way you have to sleep? (Covered, not covered, with or without noise etc)
29. Do you manage your time well?
30. What was the last book you read?
31. What would you do if you became immortal?

personal, 2021meme

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