Reasons to be Cheerful (Day 183 since Lockdown)

Sep 21, 2020 16:27

It is quite hard to keep cheery at the moment with the infection rate here climbing upwards and prophesies of doom for the winter. Luckily I had a Zoom exercise class this morning and then J and I went for a walk and discovered a new bit of the park we visit most weeks. It really seems to be like the TARDIS, bigger on the inside than the outside. It was really pleasant to be walking in the sunshine in what could have been the depths of the countryside.

Another cheering thing is that our garden is looking quite pretty at the moment. Our spindly Cosmos which we thought were going to keel over and die have turned into a small forest

Back to the meme

19. What was the first song you ever memorized?

It was probably something like Incey Wincey Spider which I definitely remember singing when walking along in the rain before I went to school. Our neighbours had a baby in February and we can sometimes hear C singing to baby N, which is very sweet, and Incey Wincey Spider is one of the songs she sings, as are other songs I remember knowing as a child. As C is half-Austrian, was born in Brazil and grew up in the U.S. the fact that her repertoire closely resembles my mother's is rather odd.

20. What’s your favorite kind of bread?

One of the pleasures of lockdown has been the fact that J has started making bread and the bread making courses I sent him on have finally paid off. He enjoys making it and I enjoy eating it so it win win. I should loyally say that his is my favourite bread and it is really good but my absolute favourite is cheese bread, which I love. As I love everything involving cheese this is not a surprise. Now I just need to persuade J to make some cheese bread and it is even more win win ( and possibly a lot more walking will be needed).

21. What’s a big pet peeve you have?

To be honest at the moment it is more what pet peeve don't I have! My usual one is cyclists who think they own the roads and the pavements and don't understand the meaning of the highway code or traffic signals. More recent ones are covidiots of all sorts including those who wear masks and then just drop them instead of putting them in litter bins. A very recent one is our post which appears to be being delivered once a week. We get the Radio Times delivered and it used to arrive on a Tuesday but last week it appeared the following Monday which was not really very helpful. It's not the fault of our postman who is excellent but all the rules and restrictions mean he can't cover the area and they won't employ any more staff. If we were waiting for something important it would be even more annoying.

The rest of the September questions are behind the cut

22 Do you have an inanimate object that you have given a name?
23 What’s your favorite Elton John song, and why?
24 If you could choose any animal as a pet (all problems aside), which one would you have and why?
25 What’s something “everyone” knows how to do that you’ve never actually done?
26 What’s one small thing you’ve accomplished today that wasn’t even on your to-do list?
27 If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be?
28 Is there a book or TV series that you enjoy, but acknowledge that it's not actually very good? What makes you love it enough to keep reading/watching?
29 If you were your own best friend, what piece of unsolicited advice would you give yourself?
30 What television sitcom is your real life most like?

personal, walking, virus, meme

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