So this is Lockdown Day 40

May 02, 2020 16:22

I've just been pottering about in the garden digging up more of our ever present weeds. We have a particularly persistent one which I think is green alkanet that springs up every year in all sorts of tricky places and every year I dig masses of it up. The problem is that it is impossible to eradicate as it grows wild in the alleyway behind our house and has an enormous root which is sometimes as long as my forearm. Getting it up is excellent exercise but a losing battle, though I am trying to persuade myself it doesn't matter as the bees love it.

Apart from my exciting adventures in gardening there isn't much else to say. We have been enjoying Museums in Quarantine on BBC4 but have now watched all of them except the first one. I particularly liked Simon Schama on the Young Rembrandt exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum which I wanted to go to but as I can't there is no better guide than Simon Schama. Like many museums the Ashmolean is doing its best to keep people entertained during this difficult time and I can explore the exhibition (and the rest of the museum) for myself virtually which I think I will try and do.

One of my reasons for wanting to go to the Young Rembrandt exhibition in Oxford was it would have made a great excuse to go to the Covered Market and buy some coffee and tea from Cardews. Luckily you can order it online so we persuaded ourselves it was our duty to support them and have treated ourselves to some delicious tea and coffee. We also managed to get a fish box from Morrisons so are really quite well supplied with most things that we need. I wonder if people will carry on food shopping more online once this is over? In many ways it is going back to the way things used to be as we always used to get our bread and milk delivered and my dad remembered when he was a boy cycling down to the grocers with the week's order, which was then delivered to the house.

Anyway back to the meme.

30. What’s a nice thing you did for somebody today

I was took in a package for our neighbours which was probably nicer for the Amazon delivery driver than it was for them but he was fed up with ringing the door bell.

1. Who made you feel good this week?

J always makes me feel good but he was particularly effusive about the Chicken and Mango Curry that I cooked this week from the BBC Good Food website. Luckily we had all the ingredients, even the mangoes which wanted using, so I was particularly pleased that we used things up and it tasted very good.

2. Have you ever seen the same movie more than twice at a theater?

I think I saw Star Wars three times in the cinema but The Return of the King beat that as I saw it four times on the big screen.

The rest of the May questions behind the cut

3 Do you still have toys, clothes, or schoolwork from when you were very young?
4 Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
5 Do you tend to be more optimistic or pessimistic?
6 How important is the decor of a restaurant to you?
7 Did you have a teacher who inspired to learn and grow as person?
8 What is the worst food you’ve ever had to force yourself to eat to be polite?
9 What is a mistake people often make about you?
10 Have you ever been sky diving, bungee jumping or scuba diving?
11 What class at Hogwarts would you really excel at?
12 What new fact have you recently learned?
13 What’s something you were afraid of as a child? Are you still afraid of it?
14 What compliment do you receive most often?
15 Are you right- or left-handed? How competent are you with your non-dominant hand?
16 Which Muppet are you most like?
17 What are the people around you doing right now?
18 Do you give up easily on things when they get tough, or are you a stick-to-it person? Can you think of examples when your usual approach was the wrong thing to do?
19 You’ve just been chosen as the eighth dwarf. What’s your name?
20 If someone you were trying to impress was coming over to your home for dinner, what would you make for them? (Please include the recipe!)
21 Do you believe in soul mates?
22 What small thing can you plan to do tomorrow that you’ve never done before?
23 What would your teen self think of the adult you’ve become?
24 What’s the biggest problem you’re facing today?
25 What two colors do you think look best together?
26 Popcorn or pretzels?
27 What’s one thing you can do today that will make tomorrow easier?
28 Have you ever realized too late (e.g. after you've left the house) that you've been wearing an item of clothing inside out or backwards?
29 What parenting technique do you differ from your parents about?
30 Make a list of three things you can do today to be kind to yourself.
31 If you could acquire a talent without any extra effort, what would it be?

cooking, personal, virus, evil gardening, meme

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