I was up in London on Tuesday anyway and thought I'd use up some time that I had spare walking from the Olympic clock towards Tower Bridge along the South Bank. It was a very hot day and I must have been mad but it was worth it. I firmly believe it isn't possible to walk along the South Bank without seeing something at least a little bit odd but pre-Olympic London is outdoing itself with the wacky at the moment.
First off the Olympic Clock
Trafalgar Square and the Paralympic side of the Clock
Not quite sure what this is all about but the Royal Festival Hall seems to be learning the alphabet
The "Room for London" aka the Barge on top of the Queen Elizabeth Hall
which seems to have gone Mexican with a branch of Wahaca
Still on a food theme the National Theatre has made an outdoor cafe out of props which really appeals to me
A sight you don't often see, people paddling in the Thames. I know it was hot and the river is clean but I'm not sure I'd advise it.
Bart didn't think it was a great idea either!
Just in case anyone has forgotten that it's London 2012 there was a banner all along the side of the Thames proclaiming the fact.
Possibly something to do with the Damien Hirst exhibition at Tate Modern. Luckily this was the day before someone jumped off the sixth floor.
This was where I met my first Wenlock
and then another
and another
and just one more
My final destination which I manage to reach via a part of Southwark that seems to have turned into Switzerland (possibly something to do with the Olympics)!
Who needs an Olympic ticket when all that was to be had for free. Now I just need to track down "bouncy" Stonehenge.