May 03, 2008 19:58

Okay so obviously it was Kaitlins birthday party, we all got up and ready and blaaah. We got there like an hour early cause Krage told us it was earlier than it was so we weren't late this time, ma tends to have bad timing.
So we got to sit and watch the dude blow up the bouncy castle, it was fucking huge! Arwen was running around like a mad woman chasing balloons as small children are blatantly inclined to do. Shes got this wierdass infatuation with the mens toilets though, bizzare girl.
Kizzy, me and Krage decided to get on the bouncy castle with Arwen before the other kids got there cause she'dve been crushed if she'd got on with the other kids. As it went she didnt like it much anyway and just gave up so me and Krage decided we'd bounce around like madarses for a bit just cause we could. Such a fecking stupid idea on my part. I'm dementedly unfit so mild asthma attacks, dizzyness and inhaler consumption ensued for a little while. I'm soooooo not cut out for bouncy castles anymore! Damn, theyre funny.
All the kids got there so we got the usual crazy face painting screaming and fighting you'd expect. Only one major casualty though so thats good. And I say major, it wasnt too terrible, a little boy got head butted and bust his nose open. He wasnt crying or anything and nothing was broken it was just a case of calming down the bleeding which didnt take long. He was fine after that.
Kaitlin got her face painted like a puppy so she was running around barking at people bless her. Good lass, going mad as a birthday girl should.
Has to be said one of the best things about that party [bar Arwen trying to shove a balloon down the toilet] was shit head. I fucking hate that wanker with a vengeance but he was blatantly going to be there. But it was great cause I used to be scared shitless of that guy for obvious reasons, but he was the one being awkward around me. I got stuck helping in the kitchen with him at one point and he was just being such a pansy! Avoiding eye contact, barely talking, looking like a terrified baby rabbit in headlights. And I wasnt even bloody doing anything! Honestly the way he was acting youd think I'd launched a hardcore verbal attack on him or something and yet I wasnt even wasting my time with him. I think its cause he knows I dont give a fuck about him now so he doesnt like not having control over us anymore. Dumbfuck.
That ruled. Asshat.
Party fiiiiiinally ended and we went over to Krages to have a cuppa and get Slinky ready to take back [Krages snake, we're snake sitting cause the jammy twats going on holiday again]. Got to sit and watch Kaitlin ride her bike for a bit. I'm well fuckin proud last time I saw her she had 4 wheels now shes riding with 2 its ace! Shes still a little wobbly mind but go Kaitlin! Awwww I remember when she was only iccle now shes 6 and nearly as tall as me! Thats soooooo not right!
Then we had to take babysmush back cause she was falling asleep, so we drove home and got the snakey in. Now I'm back with coffee and I'm gonna watch Reservoir Dogs later. Hell yeeeeeeah what a day!

birthdays, snakes, kids, shithead

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