Yay for Hostel, Boo for fake beer!

May 02, 2008 14:51

Sooo I sat and watched Hostel last night. That movie kicks ass! It's not as gorey as people made out but I'll admit some bits made me look away and cringe [ankle hacking ew!] Such a kick ass movie though Quentin Tarantino rules! As does Eli Roth. But as I said I was going to, I watched it with the root beer I bought from Tesco. Verdict? That stuff made me feel sicker than the movie did! I drank about 4 mouthfuls and EUGH! It tastes like Bronchitis medication mixed with Bovril. Yeach! Never again. Safe to say most of it went down the sink I wouldnt even give that to my pa's dog.
I'm gonna watch Devils Advocate tonight I love that movie. £3 on DVD baby yeah! I keep wanting to watch a film about now during the day but I wont cause I'm determined to finish reading Atonement before my new book gets here.
I just got into a band called The Agonist and damn I love em! I'll admit, I was intrigued because the singer is hot! LOL BUT as it goes the music wound up being great and damn that girl can scream! I thought the lass in Flyleaf could scream well but Jeysus this girl pisses on her! She can actually sing well too. But her screamings what impresses me the most it nuts. I've never heard a girl that can scream like that before she could rival most of the guys I've come across!
She also has bright blue hair which ruuuules! Speaking of hair dye I'm getting my hair stripped and redyed again on thursday. I'm gonna get her to do it *bright* for me this time. Maybe not 'oh my god shes gone nuts' bright but bright rather than auburn coloured. Although I am gonna go a more normal darker shade of red for Staceys wedding. I dont fancy being the one trashing pretty wedding photos with pillarbox hair lol.
Yay for hair colouring!

hair, music, books, movies

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