Friends kind of only.

Aug 09, 2012 11:48

Geez, I change this too much. Okay. I'm going to unlock my fics. BUT if I see any story of mine or someone sees it somewhere else, I will f-lock them and keep them that way. I'm doing this, because apparently it was all a big misunderstanding and I feel bad for making people friend me just to see the fics. So, I'm gonna unlock them.

Not to sure what all I may f-lock.  Maybe just any random posts I do that I only want friends to see.  But all my previous posts, like icons, wallpapers and gifs, I may leave for anyone to see.

So comment if you want an add and I do love new friends, so.....

And if you would like to follow me on anything else, like Twitter or Tumblr or something, my name for them all is kathrynew30. :D  The only one that isn't, is my youtube which is orlylover30 (it is only called that, because I made it years ago when I was obsessed with Orlando Bloom.)

[And in recent development, all future and past Hesper picspams are unlocked.  So yay! I say party time.]

[And in more recent development, my future James and Logan picspams may or may not be locked]

friends only

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