God is so amazing!!

Mar 21, 2006 16:59

Ok, last night I wrote this post about how terrible my teeth were feeling, and how I thought I had some cavities.

My teeth started feeling a little odd about 3 weeks ago, so I called a couple dentist offices to check on rates. The dentist I'd always gone to charges way too much for my current budget, so I checked out an office recommended by some friends. Rates were far better, but still- getting x-rays taken and cavities filled is expensive!
So... I just kept on brushing (regularly) & flossing (occasionally) & hoping that my teeth wouldn't get worse!

This weekend... they felt worse. Yesterday I felt miserable. Today I felt worse.

I decided I had to call & schedule an appointment.

I called, and she told me she could get me in on Friday. Imagining more miserable days, I prayed for something sooner- like, tomorrow, perhaps?
She put me on hold. When she came back, she told me she had just gotten a cancelation, and could get me in this afternoon- in about an hour! Their office is about 40-45 minutes away, so I thought I could make it.

After looking at my teeth, taking & looking over x-rays, the dentist told me my teeth look great. Didn't even really need to be cleaned.
He thought the reason my teeth hurt is perhaps just being ultra sensitive (and gave me a sensitive-teeth toothpaste to try), or perhaps sinuses-related, and recommended Tylenol.

I expected to spend $300+ but left spending less than $40.

Y'all, God is amazing!! Definitely Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think... (Eph. 3)
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