Revising Goals...

Dec 09, 2009 23:21

Usually that title would mean I'm talking about my goals for revision. This time, however, I'm revising my December goals.

Right after NaNo ended I stated my goal for December was to write 40,000 words. So far this month I've written about... 5800. So I'm revising my goal for the month. This is due to a couple things.

For one, I've been working on the second book in the Arion trilogy, WITH SOUL SO DEAD, and that world just takes longer to write than the Wings & Fangs world. Plus, it's a first draft of a second book, not a second draft of a first book. I've got things like world-rules I have to pay attention to, as well as carrying things over from the first book and either resolving them or getting closer to resolving them. Which is, to put it mildly, hard.

The other issue is that I don't want to have to do draft upon draft of W&F: BEWITCHED, so I'm taking a lot more time to read through my second draft manuscript, make notes, decide how I want to run my next revision, things like that. I'd love to have this query-able by March/April. I realize that might be pushing it, but then again, it might not be. I won't know until I try.

Also, I'm looking forward to diving into a bunch of manuscripts I have sitting on my hard drive waiting for critique, as well as reading through old novel beginnings of my own to decide what I want to work on next (all you people saying "the ring story!" can shut up now-- I hear you!!! It's high on the list, I promise). I'm going to continue to work on second-books for both the Arion trilogy and W&F series, but since I know it's smartest to also be working on something totally different, I'm dusting off a few older ideas that got pushed aside by pushier characters (seriously, you try telling Celestia or D to hold on-- it's much easier to say "Jora, chill for a couple years" Er, yeah. I'm not crazy, I swear.).

So, my new goal is... Just keep swimming. Pre-Draft-Three prep will take however long it takes, and doesn't really have a great word count, and WSSD will unravel as it comes. Plus I hear there's this thing called "Christmas" at the end of this month, and I really should, um, shop & bake & practice my song for Christmas Eve service (haven't sung in small group since '07). I hate to give up my 40,000 word goal, but I think I'll save that one for another month, one when I'm doing a first draft instead of revision prep!

writing, taken, wssd, bewitched, life, w&f, goals

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