Fic: Sad Sea Song

May 09, 2013 19:30

Title: Sad Sea Song
Rating: T
Fandom: The Mentalist
Word Count: approximately 1900
Summery: 10 song iPod fic
Authors Note: I needed to get back into the writing swing of things, and this is an easy way for me to do it. As a plus I think I've found a good number of songs that I'm going to work into a fanmix for the May Paint It Red Challenge. All the usual rules apply, so other than spelling and syntax errors there have been no edits done to this collection of ten drabbles (and I use that term loosely).

Soul Singer In a Session Band-Bright Eyes

It had come to this, standing in front of him was the last man on his list. The last person to be eliminate as Red John. And this was it. Jane had used a gun before, but this time, this time when he was so sure, it was going to be a knife. It was going to be the way that he had always dreamed.

“I never thought you'd figure it out, Patrick.” The sound of his name on the mans lips made Jane sick.

“I knew I would.” He was sure, he was confidante. He had the knife in his hand. This was it.

“I wonder though, if you really thought of the cost.” Jane didn't give the comment any thought as he lunged forward and buried the knife in his gut.

When it was done, when Red John lay bleeding at his feet he called the one person he knew he could trust, Lisbon. And then he heard her phone, ringing in the next room. That wasn't right. She wasn't here. He followed the sound and found her, laying on the ground, her face pale, sounded in a puddle of blood, a smiley face on the wall above her head.

Times if Winding Up-Ginny Hawker & Carol Elizabeth Jones

It wasn't often that the team solved a case and stayed in the small back water town they had been called to. But this was an exception. The week they had been there preparations had been going on around them for what was the premier festival for the county they were in. Harvest time for the carrots, which seemed an odd thing to have a specific harvest time for, but there was a huge celebration. The murderer found, the case closed, the team was enjoying a bit of time just relaxing. They knew that they couldn't stay all weekend, but they could stay for the night. A fairies wheel, line dancing and a rodeo were the draws. They all listened as Van Pelt recounted tales of growing up and the festivals that she had gone to with her family. She explained the rules of the rode, sat entirely too close to Rigsby for being “just friends” and ate too much cotton candy. Lisbon, she had little patience for things like this and spent most of the night with Jane, mocking the people that they saw as small town bumpkins and eating roasted corn and carrots. It was a carrot festival after all. And at the end of the night none of them wanted to leave. Even Cho who had managed to end up in the armature part of the rodeo.

How Many Of Us Have Them (Friends)-Alana Davis

“I'm your friend. You can trust me!” She was exasperated with him. Since Jane had narrowed down his list of suspects he had pulled back. He had become more secretive than he'd been in ages. And she was worried about him.

“I can't afford to have friends Lisbon. I know what he's doing. He's going after then things I love, the people I care about. The only things that I have in my life that are still good. I can't afforded to let that happen to you.”

“I can make that decision on my own. I know the risk.”

“Do you really? I'm prepared to die for this. TO die if that means getting Red John. Are you prepared to do that?”

“You know that I am Jane. You know that I will always be there.”

“But you wont. I know that. You think you will, but in the end you will stop me from pulling the trigger. You would stop me if given the chance. And if you don't stop me, then I know that you would hate yourself. I can't have you as a friend. I care for you too much.”

The Gospel Truth I/Main Titles (from Hercules)-Alan Menken

“You watch Disney movies?” Grace said with a laugh.

“What? I have a kid now.” Rigsby said in defense.

“Yes, but he's at Sara's place tonight and you still have Hercules on the TV.”

Looking a little embarrassed Rigsby spoke again. “I like the movie. The songs are upbeat and I love the love story.”

Grace laughed and hit play on the DVD player. She loved this movie too, always had, but it was still fun to tease her boyfriend about.

Shampoo Suicide-Broken Social Scene

He crumbled to the ground. He would like to say that it had all been worth it, that the end of Red John had gotten him everything he wanted, but that would be a lie. Around him were the torn and tattered remains of the only family he'd had left in this world. They weren't supposed to be there, weren't supposed to know where he was, but they had. He'd been careless. And they had tried to help.

Jane knew that Red John was well connected. Hell, all of the suspects had been well connected, but he wasn't expecting a shoot out. Not one like had happened. Jane had expected it to be just the tow of them. He wasn't expecting an army. He looked at Cho, with a whole in the back of his head, Rigbsy the side of his face gone, Grace, crumbled against the obligatory crate that was always present in these situations. And the Lisbon. She was closets to him. Blood pooled around her from the numerous bullets in her body. And suddenly it wasn't worth it any more. He took one last look at Red Johns' body, put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

Sadseasong-A Fine Frenzy

Lisbon stood on the cliff by ocean. They had come to the town that was hidden in the redwoods behind her on a case a few years ago and she had loved it. She hadn't wanted to leave, but she had. She always thought that it might be nice to settle down in this area. It was quiet, calm, peaceful.

The pain in her chest intensified as he buckled under the weight of the grief and misery that she had been holding onto for the last month. She had finally had enough. She had finally realized that she couldn’t' keep going on like she had.

It was silly, she knew that, but she couldn’t help it. Last week they had buried Jane, next to his wife and daughter. She'd made sure that it was a good service, funerals are after all for the living, not for the dead. He old friends had been there, despite their dislike of her.

She had hidden it well, her disappointment and her grief. She thought they would get Red John in time, she thought they would get him first. She had been wrong. She had hoped so much that Jane wouldn't be alone when the time came. In the end she had been wrong about it all. Yes, they got Red John, but he got them first. Rigsby was never going to let go of Ben. Van Pelt was never going to go home again. Cho was lost in his own personal sea of tragedy and grief. And she was crying an a cliff side by the sea. She looked down at the crashing waves and had the overwhelming desire to join them in their playful dance across the rocks. She didn't think, she just acted. And as she fell, the crushing weight lifted and she was free.

Follow Me-Breaking Benjamin

The night was dark, she shouldn’t see where she was going, but she didn't care. She just needed to get out. She needed to run. The low lying branches of were hitting in in the face and arms, stinging, but she didn't care. She needed out, she needed to escape. She could hear him behind her, calling for her to stop, but she couldn’t. This was too much. This was more than she could handle. She needed to breath, she needed air.

She tripped over a root, she fell to the ground. And then he was there. And she fought against him, she didn't want to be here, she wanted to be away, she wanted to be safe. He tried to calm her, held her, pined her to the ground to try to get her to stop struggling, but it didn’t work.

In the end she wasn't sure where she was, wasn't sure why this was happening. The last image in her mind was the last person she expected and the glint of the moon on the shining blade of the knife as it came towards her.

Back Home-Pepper

Cases on the beach were always fun. The sun, the breeze, the smell. Grace remembered the first time she'd seen the ocean. She was twelve and her family had taken a vacation to southern California. Disneyland, Sea World, the whole nine yards. She could still remember the feel of the sand between her tows for the first time and the bite of the bitter salt water against the scrapes on her leg she'd gotten from climbing the trees back home. She wished, often, that she was that little girl again Things had been so simple, so black and white. There weren't serial killers and dead fiances and girlfriends. Everything was black and white. Everything was simple and easy. She wished that she could go back in time and warn her twelve year old self about what lay ahead, tell her to savor the moments with her family, but knew that would never happen.

Walk On-U2

“I'm damaged”

“I know”

“I'll only hurt you”

“I know”

“Are you sure?”


Lips pressed together, arms twined, legs tangled. This wasn't about things being easy. This was about things being right. About things being worth the risk. About things being normal, if even for a moment.

“I can't love you”

“I know”

“You love me”

“I always have”

Clothes fall to the floor, shoes fall from feet, skin touches skin. This isn't about love. This isn't about friendship. This is about need and desire and feeling right, even if for just a moment.

“I can't be with you forever”

“I never asked for forever”

“I can't promise to stay”

“Neither can I”

“I don't want to hurt you”

“It's too late for that”

Hot breath on hot skin, slick and hard and unmovable and soft. Contradictions form every moment. This wasn't about faith or staying. This was bout doing what was right, if even for a moment.

Three Evils-Coheed & Cambria

Cho stood above the body on the ground. It had been unexpected. He hadn’t planed to be here. Hadn't planed to take a part above helping Jane stage the scene. But now...his gun had been used. It was self defense, everyone around would know that. The sad man had lunged at him. Cho was truly surprised at the body at his feet. He'd known that Jane had suspected that Red John was someone they all knew, but this was the last person he would expect. It just didn't make scene. He looked around for Jane and saw him with a hand on his side. A bullet graze if Cho had to put money on it. From the gun that was still in Red John’s hand. Cho couldn't use the man's given name, it just didn't seem right. HE just couldn't do it. He couldn't call that thing at his feet by the name that a living mother and father had bestowed upon him. It wasn't right. The monster was dead. And he had done it.

rigsby, the mentalist, ipod challange, lisbon, cho, red john, jane, van pelt, fanfic

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