A return and updates

Jul 15, 2010 13:44

It's been a while since I've made a post here, I suppose, hasn't it? I'm usually better about things like this, but it has been incredibly hectic as of late.

You may notice that the place to purchase Amaranth: The Preterhumans Book 1 has changed, from Cacoethes Publishing to Lulu.com. As of the beginning of July, Cacothes Publishing and I have parted ways. I don't want to say too much on the subject on a very public blog, so we will leave it at that.

Hopefully by the end of summer, Verdant: The Preterhumans Book 2 will also be available through Lulu.com. In fact, my plan is for the rest of that series to be published on Lulu. Other series will be published through traditional publishers, I hope.

I know some people have already purchased Verdant through Cacoethes. If you have done so, please contact me with a copy of your receipt and I will try to get a copy for you out of my own pocket. Yes, out of my own pocket. Because I love you guys like that.

And on a final note, I will be at NecronomiCon in Tampa/Saint Petersburg, Florida, from October 22 through October 24. While I'm there, I will be signing and selling copies of both Amaranth and Verdant. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!

publishing, conventions, preterhumans, verdant, amaranth

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