Saying Goodbye

Oct 28, 2007 00:08

I have that horrible feeling in my stomach that I used to get before tests and quizzes in school. That feeling that you get when you think of something coming up soon that you are absolutely dreading and know you can't avoid. Why do I have this feeling? Well, it's because I'm finally coming to the realization that in a little over 24 hours Nick will be gone... Off to staging in DC and then off to Namibia for 26 months. 26 whole months... that's a long time.

I knew this day was coming, but rather than focusing on it, I just looked forward to his visit down here. He flew down to NC and I got to spend an amazing week with him. We just hung out, watched movies, and ate way too much food. I cooked for him, he cooked for my roomies and I, we walked through Duke Gardens, we played arcade games, we went to a lab social, we got lost downtown, we just had fun. It just felt so good to spend time with him, and considering how busy he is before he leaves, I'm so lucky that he flew down here for an entire week. I seriously wouldn't trade the week for anything. But of course all good things must come to an end, and after I dropped him off at the airport on Tuesday, I just walked back to my car and cried. At that moment I realized it may be several years before I see him in person again.

I'm going to miss him more than I can express in words. For over three years, he has been a big part of my life, being the person to always make me laugh and smile, the shoulder to cry on, the best friend, the poop joke maker... you get the idea. I mean we talk practically everyday online or on the phone, usually about nothing special and usually at ungodly hours, but that's just one of the many things I love about us.

As much as I am going to miss him, I know he is going to be doing something really amazing and worthwhile. It takes a lot of strength of character to join Peace Corps and help those with HIV/AIDS in Africa. I keep thinking about Stranger and the quote, "love is defined as the situation where one's happiness is vital to one's own." I'm going to miss him like crazy, but I will be happy knowing that he is having a life-changing experience and making a difference. I may wish he weren't going so far away, but lots of people need him over there.

Saying goodbye is hard. But it's not forever and of course I'm going to write. So Nick, good luck in Africa. Learn as much as you can, help as much as you can, see as much as you can, and of course, have fun. I'm going to miss you so much. <3
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