markets on this Saturday

Mar 24, 2016 12:09

I spent the past week knitting and making up bunnies and putting together tiny teddies. Almost done then I have to handwrite all the labels for everything new. I think the bunnies (9) and teddies (6 so far but Ruth is still knitting them) will just have signs saying they're $8 and $10 respectively.

I'm tired. I'm still sleeping around 12 hours a night. I go to bed at around 8:30 and read until 10pm-ish and then sleep 12 hours and it's really cutting in to my work time. I'm keeping up with LJ/DW and reading some twitter though I don't think my app is loading all the tweets and I'm trying to get stuff done on Avengers Academy to recruit Pepper as Rescue but I don't think I'm going to get it done in time. I had only just recruited Amora and that took all my money so I don't have enough to get Pepper yet and if I do tasks to get money then I'm not getting globes and >_<

Had to use more of the computer money for shopping this week as we were really low so I've gone from almost being able to afford the computer to being at least $300 short thanks to tyres and food. Hoping I can put a chunk of that back once we get paid tomorrow but we have to pay sewage and rent will be due soon etc. I'd cross my fingers for a good market but we're still getting pretty warm days and we're only doing the Saturday, thanks to national parks making the hall too expensive to have two days of the market.
Sometimes we get people on the Sunday who camped over night on the Sat and realised how cold it gets at night.

Computer is actually $50 more than we thought so I have to find $460. And if I want more than a 120gig hard drive I need to find another $100. Don't think it's going to happen.

Still struggling health wise. Pain levels are high and migraines and nausea are really bad but it's what I'd expect after pushing so hard so far this year.

We've been watching through Great British Bake Off and are up to season 6. It's fun to watch and there isn't lots of needless drama and people help each other. It also doesn't have a plot you have to keep track of etc so it's been useful.

We're capped internet wise so it's incredibly frustrating and I'm out of data on my phone so I can load basically nothing. Ugh. Especailly as there seems to be all these new Sebastian Stan pics coming out.

Was going to share photos of the bunnies and teddies but Facebook wont load.
Really got frustrated with Instagram. It wont let me post from wallflowerarts any more. Even when I switch to it and it's linking to the kathballantyne one on the wallflowerarts twitter and on Facebook and that's crossing the streams and I hate it. I really liked getting likes on my art etc but I need the wallflowerarts one to post photos to Facebook and my twitter for the knitted stuff and family stuff and everything so I think I'm going to have to stop the fandom one. I even logged out of kath.ballantyne one and it still posted from there.

I'm reading Known Associates by thingswithwings and it is everything I've been wanting in a pre-war fic (the fic goes past The Winter Soldier so it's not just pre-war but it's the stuff I wanted from that time). It's full of the queer community and I adore it so hard and it's massive and I'm only up to the train bit (oh god, the train bit).

Right, got to go write out labels and try not to throw up.
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