It's been better temperature anyway. Hasn't dropped below freezing. We also borrowed a couple of small logs from a neighbour so we've kept warm enough.
Been so much to do though. Haven't really stopped all day. We got all the rubbish to the tip and have got what cleaning we can do done. I still have to wash up the dishes I used for dinner and fix up the bit of the carpet that now looks a mess because we moved the couch but other than that we're going to head to bed and take sleeping pills so we can get up early enough to get to the farmers market tomorrow. Have to leave when it's still dark and freezing *pouts* But then we get the wood delivered and then people show up for my birthday. *flails*
I am still sad that I wont be able to buy Knit and Spin and SpinKnit for my birthday and I don't know what we're doing yet about going to visit family. Dog boarding is expensive. But in all I'm feeling slightly better today. Well this evening anyway. Earlier I was having to wash cat litter trays and clean dog shit off my shoes and get all the nasty rubbish to the tip. Then Pip was going nuts because we were cleaning and moving things around and he bashed me in the head and bent my glasses and then when I was cleaning my shoes outside he came barreling down the ramp and knocked my head with either his leg or his head and I went dizzy and was crying. He didn't bloody notice. Typical. But yeah, don't have pets unless you're prepared to spend hours cleaning up their shit.
Just a reminder that if you want to commission art, knitting, felting etc from us you can here Just click on the graphics to go to the relevant pages.
And now for some awesome photos of the trip from Hill End to Bathurst. A whole lot of these were taken by Ruth as we drove. There is often awesome light and the whole drive is beautiful. Some have been really processed but that's obvious when you see them but most were just fantastic evening light and dramatic clouds/sky. I have more from around the village but I'll post them separate. Seriously image heavy again.
I have some of Hill End, the pets, and Port Macquarie to post soon.