Today we got $800 worth of electricity bill (half of it is from the first quarter of the year that they just decided to send us and both due in 10 days) and then the car battery died and we had to replace it. So $150 there. That's $950 when we only get paid $800 a month. Right before my birthday weekend. Didn't get all the extra stuff I wanted to buy for my party. Looks like we'll be eating a lot of dried beans and stuff for the next few months.
We are totally out of wood and don't get any delivered until Saturday. The high today was 4°C.
Oh and my right arm is almost useless right now and I can't turn my head in either direction. I'm not even going to go into all my other health issues.
Not the happiest right now.
I guess I should post the other creative things I've been doing. The drawing stuff can wait as I'm too cold to sort out the scanner tonight.
Here is a black alpaca and rainbow of dyed merino single I spun a while ago and just wound into a skein. I wanted a chunky single as I didn't have much of the black or colours. It's rather thick/thin and I think I could do a better job of spinning it now but it works for what I wanted it for.
Here I'm winding it into a ball so I can knit from it. I couldn't find the nostapin so I used a texta.
Here it is in a ball. Most of it has black between the different colours but I ran out of the alpaca and kept spinning the colour for a while and that's what you can see on the outside.
And here it is knitted into the headband I wanted it for. I should have planned the pattern before I started but didn't so I had some issues knitting it. That and I dropped stitches a few times and had to spend ages trying to get them back. It's not my best knitting but it really does a great job of holding my hair back without pulling it and it's black and rainbow so what's not to love? There is a wide piece that goes over my hair and a thin bit that goes at the back of my neck. I still have a fair bit of the ball of yarn left but not enough for anything useful so I don't know what to do with it.
Then I spent a couple of days spinning and plying this lot. It's a darker brown than it shows here. This is two skeins towards the felted bowler hat I want to make for myself. It's spun from the Merino cross fleece we got from the farmer in the Hunter Valley.
I don't know the term for it but when plying I had one large bobbin full and a smaller one so I wound the bigger one around the core of the shorter one. I shall get a better photo soon to show what I mean. This is still full of lanolin. I may wash it before knitting. It will wash when it's felted anyway. I figured it wouldn't matter too much as it's for a hat. I'll have to line it or at least the bit that will touch my forehead anyway or it will make me itch.
And here is a really dodgy, blurry phone pic of the little, tiny flurry of snow that fell yesterday.
and the sky over Hosie's behind us as it snowed
I'll try and get the drawings scanned in tomorrow in between the bijillionty trips to the tip to get rid of the rubbish. Having a sedan sucks sometimes.
We did manage to get the back seat vacuumed though. It was covered in sawdust and wood chips from bringing home kindling. I know we'll need to have people in it this weekend and I didn't think it would be polite to make them sit on it.