It's been a while!

Dec 02, 2013 11:45

A whole month, even! Geez, I'm sorry~

I've been away because both school and work have been kicking my butt. These last two weeks I've worked roughly 32 - 38 hours per week, on top of 36 hours of schooling from Tuesday - Friday (which I'm almost done with, thank God). And I was sick for a week straight.
Since Catching Fire had come in we had to work extra hours- we were open earlier and later.

Oh, I guess I should mention that I work at a movie theater haha. I do concessions, clean, etc. etc.
Also, another exciting thing is that a manager of mine has kind of hinted to our GM that I would be good for a management position! Another manager of ours is considering stepping back down to floor staff and I would be very interested in taking over. There would be a lot of training to go through and stuff and the pay raise isn't much more, but having management experience at twenty years old would look wonderful on a resume haha.

As for school...
I have about three school weeks left, so twelve-ish days!! I'm soooo excited! But also extremely nervous.
I'm attending cosmetology school and within a year I have to take my state board exam. But I'll also be going back to college this coming fall to finish my gen. eds. and start on my illustration/(possibly) fashion design career. Ah!!

On to lolita things!!

I made my first "real" lolita purchase ; v; finally

BtSSB Ice Cream skirt ;v;
It was part of an OP is what I'm told and the original owner turned it into a skirt. I bought it from a friend who had bought it from her for a really good price and I could not be happier!

Aside from that, I've got some shoes and tights coming in the mail. I'm still on the hunt for a bag, though..hmmmm....

I'm also currently working on taking in an old blouse of mine that I've never actually worn, attaching some lace and bows to it. It's very slow-going since I don't have a sewing machine 9___6
But, I don't mind too much. It keeps me busy.

lolita fashion, lolita, btssb, hunger games, catching fire, baby the stars shine bright, cosmetology school

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