A little more serious...

Dec 09, 2013 01:22

I don't feel very good at the moment _(:|
I've closed at my work quite a few nights in a row so I'm pretty tired. That's not really a concern of mine right now, though. My stomach and my head hurt really bad and maybe it's because I'm feeling a little anxious?

Myself and a manager of mine usually end up engaging in really deep conversations when we're together and sometimes I freak out when I get home haha. Like tonight, I was just thinking...if someone were to ask me, "What kind of person are you?" I wouldn't really have an answer.
Not only is that frustrating for me, but I'm really upset by it also.

I'm thinking about getting a notebook and just writing down all the things I know about myself. Maybe that would help me suss myself out? I really don't understand who I am yet haha. But maybe this is part of growing up! Maybe everyone goes through this.

I'm also thinking about family a lot. I miss everyone! I miss my family in Oklahoma and I feel bad thinking about the ones that I purposely left behind for reasons of my own. I feel awful that I did it, but I know it will be better in the long run.

I'm scared of growing up, too. I don't know what I'm going to do when my dad finally nudges me to up and move out, beings he has no intentions of supporting me even the littlest bit financially. It's too hard to work part time minimum wage and pay bills. It's impossible!

I have more thoughts jumbling around in my brain and it really makes me nervous and nauseous to think about all this stuff that I'm going to have to face sooner rather than later.

growing up is hard

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