(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 15:51

helllo everyone,

i am updating partly because i haven't done so in a while, but mostly because Emma was very insistent that i not only update, but that i had to mention her as well. hehe so here it goes-


HAHA! sorry Emma, i'll mention you properly. Emma sent me a very nice song by Katie Noonan from George (and that is where Emma's msn comes from). there you go Em! lol
yesteday my brother went trick or treating, but he was going to go without even dressing up! i couldn't let this happen, becuase last time when i had got dressed up i spent ages making a really good witches costume, complete with a broom stick and a hat which i made by rolling up a poster and stapling a black shirt over it, but some people were rude and said some rather unkind things about my hat *glares at Trevor* lol. so we found some black clothes for Alex, who decided he would go as a robber or a goth. when i told him that being a goth would involve wearing make-up, he quickly decided on the robber idea lol.
hehe remember Bec when you ran up to me in your red and white striped costume and told me excitedly to guess what you were, and i said a strawberry cream lolly? haha
oh, and guess who owns a DVD of SIN CITY?? soooooo good, thank you again Britt!

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