Humpday poll - Amusements One Downloads

Sep 21, 2011 07:25

Poll No, this poll was not sponsored by Baen or the Humble Indie Bundle (alas)

Not that I have time for any of the above, but yeah. I haven't finished tidying my new laptop, but I installed Portal. It's not nearly as fun alone in my apt compared to playing it with Dr. Froshling feeding me tips and laughing along.

As for tv, I think I'm finally getting over my completeness hump and recognizing that if halfway through a show or even a season, I find I don't want to watch any more, I don't have to. I'm officially giving up on House (mid-season 4; Olivia Wilde is hot in that Agent Scully sort of way, but she also has no boobs), Heroes (mid-season 4), Rome (middle of episode 1 of season 2), and MI-5 (after season 1, I think). I watched the first 3 episodes of season 2 and the first episode of season 3 of The Tudors and have given up on that too. What did people do before there was Wiki to tell them how it ends?? I finally did start watching Glee though and I adore it: singing! dancing! in my living room! This isn't my actual tv poll though - I don't have time to watch tv - bc that includes questions about Enterprise, Dr. Who, et al. However, I've discovered that sometimes I need to veg and if it seems likely I will grind PvZ or Cartoon Wars, I might as well watch tv. hush.

For the time being, I seem to still be grandfathered on Netflix to a $5/month plan for 2 dvds/month + 5 hours streaming, which is why I still haven't attached it to my Roku. However, I've discovered that with my new laptop, I could stream Netflix AND sit on my couch. Which is why I'll be watching Dexter/Eureka on a 15" screen when there's a 40" screen 5' away.

gaming, poll, reading, tv

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