Thirteen Random Things

Feb 05, 2010 22:41

1. It is so so necessary for me to become best friends with Pink. And also Gabourey Sidibe. They are my two faves right now - though I've always loved Pink times one million - and I find them both adorable and normal and so outside of the Celebrity Box. They just kill me, and I believe fully that they would also find me awesome.

(Also, I keep hearing word about this "Play-by-play" that she did of her Grammy peformance for, and I CANNOT FIND IT. If anyone has any hints - or links - I will take them. Your Google-fu has to be better than mine.)

(Plus, we just bought "So What" for Band Hero and that makes me HAPPY.)

2. It has suddenly gotten all competitive up in here with regard to the Oscars. We're having our Final Five (plus Mark) over for the show, and then lillaura started talking shit about how hard she and Woo are going to kick our asses, and suddenly there's even more shit-talking and it's tons of fun. It might be less fun if I lose - I am kind of a terrible loser.

3. We are a Nielsen family! This week - starting yesterday, going through next Thursday - we have our little Nielsen booklets and write down the TV we watch and then send them back (for fifty bucks!). I'm fairly certain that the only reason we got to do it is because they were asking specifically if any members of our household were Hispanic - and thanks to my father-in-law, we can say yes. We threw some love to Dollhouse - saying we watched it last night, when we were actually watching The Hurt Locker - just for the hell of it.

4. We're watching last night's episode of Bones, and we can we discuss the fact that Ms. Jody Sawyer, she of bad feet, cookies, magical costume changes and I CHOOSE ME choreography, just appeared as a totally crazy schizophrenic who thinks she's an avenging angel? It was kind of amazing. Also, Hodgins knocked himself out with nunchucks, which was also amazing.

5. I have been buying one million books lately. The Borders near our house is going out of business (This Location Only, alas) and so everything was at least 40% off. In the last month, we've been four times. Each time, I've spent about twenty bucks and gotten at least four books. It's amazing the shit you'll pick up for $1. The Nanny Diaries, really?

6. February just got exciting. Next weekend, my hockey team is in town (GO GOPHERS GO), and there are many other cool things happening, and the following weekend (while also being lillaura's birthday), we are going to Alburqueque to see Stephen and Cindy and the nephews. I can't wait! Plus, Cindy has recently started roller derby, and I need stories.

7. I picked the brother as the killer in this Bones episode at minute twelve. There are eight minutes left, and I'm not sure I'm right. Sigh.

8. More Bones observations: I cannot HANDLE how hot Sam Weir has grown up to be. Who knew, seriously?

9. I STILL have not pimped out the totally fantastic blog that I am doing with jasminelily and missmp. I'm going to do a separate post so I can tell you all about how great it is.


11. Alex's scotch is stinky stinky. He's lucky I love him. And that he's cute.

12. That made him laugh really hard. (He's reading over my shoulder, as I am writing this on a laptop I have borrowed from work. We need a laptop of our very own.) (Everyone say Hi to Alex!)

13. There is no 13th story.

random pop cult, tv, real life omg

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