Some Pop Culture Stuff

Jul 24, 2008 14:17

1. "Remnants of Nonsense" is the latest on my list of band names (these also include Wandering Numbness - my band in Guitar Hero - Saigon Garage, and...something about bubbles). I need to start actually writing these things down when they pop into my head. My friend Larry has a list on his phone of random shit we say that he someday is going to put on a t-shirt ("It's like Titanic and Exorcist had a black baby!"), and it is excellent.

2. Everyone is REALLY EXCITED about last night's So You Think You Can Dance, but I was very Meh about most of it. But hello, can we discuss how there was FULL ON MAKING OUT WHAT WHAT??!

3. A conversation about NPH on Snarkfest has turned awesome, though totally off-topic. People were discussing the possibility of his playing Dr. Frank-n-Furter in Rocky Horror, which prompted someone to post this picture from when he did Cabaret, which was followed by a posting of this video (it's flagged as Inappropriate - which, yes - so you have to confirm your birthdate) of NPH doing "Wilkommen," which led to ME mentioning in passing that when I saw Cabaret in 1999, I came out of it with a very very confusing crush on Michael Hall, who was playing the Emcee at the time. I only just figured out in the last year that that Michael Hall is also Michael C. Hall, aka David (right?) on Six Feet Under and, you know, DEXTER. So yes. Discuss.

4. I've been pretty quiet on the subject of my girl Lohan lately which does not mean that I don't still love her, because HELLO. Have you met me? I have been kind of loving how cute and happy she's been looking with SamRon (plus, she looks HOT in that gold dress - even Alex was very "!!!" when he saw that picture), but all this shit still makes me nervous, so I can't be 100% behind them. BUT! Jessica Fugged her and, as always, managed to sum up everything I feel about Lindsay in one brilliant entry, including:

Although I feel it's only fair to remind you guys that I have been involved in a very troubled and one-sided fictional relationship with her for years, in which I love her and she goes out and does totally stupid shit, so my enthusiasm at seeing her at an actual event and not at Bristol Farms buying cheese or whatever comes from a storied background of my own personal weirdness. But anyway: Lindsay's outfit: Ew. Lindsay out and about, without her mother and not stealing cocaine-filled trousers from innocents? AWESOME.

AND! She is currently filming some stuff for Ugly Betty and that Labor Pains movie, and I cannot wait to see her actually acting again. (But psst, Linds? The roots? Please please fix them. Other than that, you are looking totally adorable of late.)

5. Ben Barnes and Robert Pattenson fans are having a post-off in the Pretty thread over at SF. Man. Talk about two guys who do absolutely NOTHING for me. I'd counteract it, but I can't think of anything to post. Sad. Clearly I need more unattainable guys to leer at.

6. I am still in lovedirty Chuck Bass-style lust with the new print ads for the next season of Gossip Girl. Even though only one of the shots is from the new season (Nate and the cougar, which just makes the PARENT'S TELEVISION COUNCIL quote even more hilarious). I am dying (DYING) for the DVDs, which come out next month - on our wedding anniversary, actually, which makes me laugh. NEW SEASON! SEPTEMBER 1! Oh Gossip Girl, how I adore you.

7. I finished the new McGregor/Boorman book, Long Way Down, on Monday, and now am stoked for seeing the movie next week. Have you guys read or seen Long Way Round? I hollered about it a couple of years ago, right? (Ewan and Charley ride motorbikes around the world and are hysterically funny.) This time they rode from Scotland down to Cape Town. The book has slightly less comedy than the last one, but is just as fascinating. Here's the site.

8. New Ingrid Michaelson EP coming in October! kellyrose82 got to see her yesterday, and she was in Denver over the weekend, but I didn't get to go (it was a two-day music festival, and I am just far too broke to drop $80+ for, essentially, one set), so I am all put out and jealous. Come back, Ingrid!

9. Traveling Pants 2 comes out soon! I am going to take full advantage of this promotion over the weekend, and therefore I will get to see it one whole week early. Additionally, I spent a full fifteen minutes of my work day last week trying to decide which pair of jeans I was going to wear when I see it. I may or may not have made an actual list of jeans that I own in order to help myself out. I'll never tell.

...I think that's all for now, but there's so much more in my brain, I'm sure. I'm like a pop culture sponge lately. ("Lately"?)

books 2008, music, random pop cult, movies 2008, tv

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