Fic: Pineapple

May 17, 2010 12:32

Title: Pineapple
Author: Kateri E
Rating: G
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo Implied
Summary: Sequel of sorts for Watermelon, a rewrite of the opening scene for Jack-Knife
AN: The Crack!Drabley sequel of a Crack!Fic

McGee tried to contain his nervousness by talking as he made his way through Gibbs house toward the kitchen. No matter how many years he worked with the man Gibbs was still able to intimidate him just by breathing. Opening Gibbs fridge though he found his train of thought derailed.

"Uh Boss, you've got nothing but fish food and pineapple in here, a LOT of pineapple," McGee stated unable to tear his eyes away momentarily from all of the fruit in Gibbs's fridge. There was cut pineapple, whole pineapple, there was even pineapple rings, though the whole in the center was much larger than he was used to seeing.

"What's with all the pineapple Gibbs?" McGee found himself asking before his brain engaged.

"DiNozzo got tired of watermelon, now scram McGee," Gibbs barked.

McGee found himself freezing in place momentarily as his brain flashed back to last time Tony was on oxy and was only barely able to pull his gibbering mind away from it's train of thought because that way lay madness.

"Yes Boss, I'm on my way Boss," McGee practically shouted as he hurried out the door not thinking about Gibbs and DiNozzo and any fruit, most definitely not.

The End.. for now

AN: Prompted by digital Strawberries and Cream and the information that pineapple may have flavoring properties.

humor, gibbs, fruit_universe, mcgee, fic

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