Sep 20, 2006 11:27
ok, so the premere last night... kinda really bad. here's why... wtf is with making all women victims? like , ok i get that like all the victims are women, but why then does it have to go and make all rectangles squares by vicimizing Eames? like, people already give me 'the business' for liking this show b/c eames is kinda a weak character, in that the show is obviously a vehicle for gorin... ok, and like, i totally defended the show and was all oh, she has her moments, they're a team etc... and then last night she is attacked and kidnapped and Gorin is left to rescue her...
ALSO it was pretty bad because i accidently read a very similar fan fiction piece about Eames getting kidnapped and all tied up in a basment and then gorin rescues her. at least on the show she escapes herself and they don't end up making out but still... too close for comfort.
finally more bad... what happened to the old captin? i really liked him, he was a good guy. ALSO where is the DA? i know he had a really minor role but i really liked how his uber conservativism and adherence to the law and his own ego provided a nice contratst to gorin.
sigh... i just want more nicole wallace.