I Do Not Hookup {TABLE 40}

Nov 21, 2009 16:41

Summary: Zack's broken up with Jack and Jack needs to feel better; Tyson helps { table.}
Disclaimer: Not Mine, don't sure

"Ty!" Alex cheered drunkenly as said boy joined him and Jack in the tent. Tyson chuckled but otherwise ignored the hyper active blond. Jack didn't particularly care that Tyson was here. Zack had broken up with him two days ago and, frankly, he's still depressed over it. Tyson seemed to know this as he claimed the seat beside Jack and offered a sympathetic 'hey'. Jack grunted a reply as he finished off the beer in hand. Tyson stole it once empty and tossed it into the waste basket.

"You'd better be getting me another one," Jack said monotonically.

"Nope," Tyson said, popping the word as he settled into is chair. Jack was watching Alex stray around the outside of the tent. He raised a questioning eyebrow and Tyson shook his head dismissively. He turned and watched Alex too. After a few moments of silence, Tyson stood and bent down slightly so he was face to face with Jack. He carefully fingered a lock of Jack's hair, and then cupped his hand around the boy’s angular face. Jack leaned slightly into Tyson's hand. "I'll make you feel better. Come on," Tyson whispered, tugging gently on Jack's hand. He shook his head ever so slightly. His reply was cut off. Tyson pressed his lips to Jack's pushily before pulling away slowly.

"I don't hook up." Tyson was taken aback but he didn't let it show. He didn't even move. He was barely two inches from Jack's lips.

"Excuse me?" He forced out. His voice came out coarse and raspy.

"You're nothing; a slut, a tease, a quick fuck, or a one night stand? We’re together for an hour, and then not? I don't think so." Jack's shaky voice spoke of resistance but he didn't move away from Tyson and he still leaned into the boy’s hand. Then, Tyson caught on. Jack was teasing. Tyson almost smiled but resisted. He leaned a bit closer; his nose would be touching Jack's if he moved to right at all.

"I assure you, I can last longer than an hour," He breathed, staring straight into Jack's brown eyes. He pulled away enough to see Jack's whole face. "And, what if something comes out of that casual fuck?" He said casually. He leaned forward to whisper into Jack's ear, "Besides two very satisfied boys," he breathed huskily. Jack shivered - literally, fucking, shivered - in anticipation. Tyson let a satisfied smile cross his lips. He could already feel himself hardening.

"I-" Tyson smirked as Jack stuttered a bit. "I need to get Alex put up."

Tyson shrugged a bit and stood up, "I can help with that." Jack took the path of ignorance, got up and walked past Tyson, gripping Alex's upper arm firmly and leading him towards the bus.

"Where are we going?" he whined.

"It's bed time, Lex."


"Yep, don't worry, though. I'll check that we have aspirin and peanut butter."

"You take such great care of me!" Jack didn't reply, just nudged Alex into his bunk.

"Don't get up until morning, got it?"

"Unless I get sick or start to die," he reiterated. Jack smiled softly at his best friend. Jack pressed a quick to kiss to Alex's forehead before brushing the hair away & covering him with a blanket.

"You going to be okay by yourself?" Jack asked cautiously. He didn't feel too great about just leaving Alex here.

"You're gone with Ty?" he slurred.

"Yea- I was going to b-"

"Go. I be okays." Jack smiled at Alex one more time before leaving the bus calmly. Tyson was leaning against All Time Low's tent, waiting patiently with a conspicuous bulge in his not so tight jeans.

"Ready?" Tyson smirked. Jack nodded shyly. "Come on," Tyson linked his fingers with Jack's and pulled him around the buses. He stopped between two buses. Jack didn't even know whose they were. Tyson, sort of, pushed Jack against the empty bus behind him.


"Would you rather we go to yours?" Alex was there.


"Well, Nick's at mine, so here," Tyson repeated. Jack didn't bother responding and, instead, gripped Tyson's hips to pull him closer. Tyson smirked again and Jack was really getting sick of that smug look. He lifted a hand to the back of Tyson's neck and pulled their lips together. Jack's mouth stayed closed but Tyson soon nudged it open. Jack slid his other hand around Tyson's waist, and then down to his zipper. His raised hand moved to toy with the hair at the nape Tyson's neck as Tyson put his hands to good use and undid Jack's pants, pushing them down with the help of Jack's shuffling legs. Tyson scoffed a bit as he looked down to get his own pants undone. Jack rolled his eyes, because, so what if he wanted to be cute and play with Tyson's hair. He was a cute guy; Tyson would have to get over it. Jack contended himself with letting his head fall back against the bus and looking up at the cloudy sky while still running his fingers lazily through the back of Tyson's hair. It really was very soft.

Jack began to get a bit impatient, though. He wondered, "The hell are you doing?" Jack picked up his head to look at Tyson but before he could, Tyson was flipping him around and sucking roughly on Jack's neck. Jack lost his breath for a moment, due to surprise, but soon moaned because Tyson's mouth.

"Ready?" he breathed. Jack knew, despite whatever his answer may be, Tyson would be in him within seconds. Jack nodded. Tyson didn't play around. He thrust in quickly, forcing his mouth over Jack's to stop the inevitable shout. Jack bit down on Tyson's lip, hard, in mild anger. Tyson could have made that a lot less painful if he'd just be patient.

Of course, Jack was the cute one, not Tyson. "Go," Jack ordered after quickly catching his breath. Tyson had been kind enough to wait for that command. He moved slow, painfully slow, in and out of Jack. Tyson was genuinely just getting Jack used to the feeling but Jack was, now, a bit anxious. Jack groaned in slight annoyance and tried to push himself onto Tyson. Tyson gripped his hips firmly, preventing him from moving at all.

"What do you want?" Tyson smirked. Jack really, fucking, hated that smirk. Only, he sort of liked it. He did his best to try & glare at Tyson over his shoulder only it obviously wasn't working because Tyson just laughed a bit. He leaned in and set his chin on Jack's shoulder, "Tell me." His quiet, almost loving words, sent goosebumbs down Jack's arms.

"Faster," Jack hissed. Tyson closed his eyes with a small smile on his lips. He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss at the spot where Jack's t-shirt stopped. He took a small breath and pulled out. Jack whined a bit at the loss, but before he could look up, Tyson was slamming back into him. Jack screamed out in pleasure while silently praying no one was around. Tyson kept his chin resting gently on Jack's shoulder as he thrust. Jack squirmed and writhed a bit as he tried to control his loud moans. Tyson let go of Jack's hips and ran his fingers up Jack's sides as Jack threw his arms up to grip the window sill above them. He had to steady himself before he fell over in ectasy. Tyson's fingers trailed around Jack's body and up, then down his stomach. He teased a bit, by walking his hands down and around Jack's achingly tight self. Jack was wrapped up in his own head because Tyson had just hit that spot and he kept hitting it.

"Jack," Tyson moaned as Jack coughed a bit and, in turn, clenched around him. Good God, it felt good. Tyson knew they were both close. He quit the teasing Jack couldn't even notice and grabbed Jack tightly. A sharp intake of breath was Jack's only reaction. He squirmed a bit more as Tyson just held him. Jack whined a bit and clenched around Tyson again without realizing it. God. Tyson moved his hand roughly up and down Jack's length as he found that spot again. Jack moaned, this time louder.

"Shh," Tyson warned in a soft, quiet voice before pulling Jack into a gentle kiss. He bit down on Jack's lip hesitantly, a sort of payback for earlier. He lowered his head and sucked roughly on Jack's neck. His hand fell in sync with hips and Jack was a writhing mess of moans and bucking hips.

"Oh, fuck," Jack moaned and came into Tyson's hand, hard. Tyson pumped harder with both his hips & his hand, prolonging Jack's orgasm and bringing his own closer.

"I- I'm com-" Tyson's words were cut off by a string of rough moans. He let go inside of Jack and had to grip the boy's hips to steady himself. Jack moved his hips with the oppisite rhythym of Tyson. Tyson pulls out, Jack pushes in. Both moaned loudly everytime because, holy hell, who wouldn't? Jack was just catching his breath as Tyson pulled out and flipped Jack around, lifting him a bit to press their lips together deeply. Jack gripped the window sill tightly as Tyson wrapped one hand around Jack's waist, pulling him closer, and the other in his hair. Tyson explored every inch of Jack's mouth he could before he, reluctantly, pulled away. Both were, now, more breathless than before.

"Fucking hell, Ty," Jack breathed, dropping his hands from the window. Tyson sighed, or maybe he was just letting out a breath, and bent down to pull up his pants, wiping his hands off as he did so. Jack caught his hands as they went to close up the jeans and did it himself. He kept eye contact with Tyson the entire time. Tyson swallowed nervously and watched as Jack tugged on his own skin tight jeans and buttoned them. They stood, way to close to just be friendly, and just, sort of, watched the other; waiting for a sign of what exactly they were to do next. Jack stretched on to his tip toes, rested his hands on Tyson's neck, and pulled him in for another long, deep kiss. Jack pulled away slowly and rested back on his feet. Tyson leaned forward and pressed his forehead to Jack's as his hands found Jack's hips. They stood in silence with closed eyes, revelling.

"You should go check on Alex," Tyson finally whispered kindly. Jack nodded a bit.

"Yea . . . Okay." He dropped his hands, one trailing down Tyson's arm to link their hands together. "See ya," Jack murmured, turning to walk back towards his bus. Tyson held onto his hand until Jack had taken the three steps needed to seperate them. Silently, he returned to the bus and stripped out of his jeans. He pulled back the curtain to be sure Alex was still breathing, and then crawled into his own bunk. He pulled of his shirt and, sort of, cuddled with it because it smelled like Tyson. His phone buzzed from the corner of the bunk. He reached for it.

New text message from Ritter Glitter. Jack smiled as he remembered Tyson's VMA preformance and opened the message.

Let's hang out more often, love.


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