Hit the Lights {TABLE 37}

Nov 19, 2009 15:04

Summary: Jack's got the best friend, Jac Vanek, and the perfect boyfriend, Gabe and he lives in the Friends apartment. Clingy!Gabe//comforting!Jack. Number 37 in table. Also, AU!
Disclaimer: Only owned in Katyland and, well, Gabe swallowed the key.

"You're gonna have to endure the walk of shame now," Jack sighed, nuzzling into Gabe's neck.

"Excuse me?" Gabe chuckled.

"The walk of shame. Everyone's always here in the morning. Well, at least Jac is. She's always here." Gabe hummed thoughtfully.

"We could just stay in here all day," Gabe offered.

"Baby, we have jobs," Jack reminded him. Gabe stuck out his lip in an unmistakable pout and Jack let out a giggle, "You're such a kid."

"I know," Gabe sighed loudly.



"What are you waiting on?"

"This," he whispered softly, leaning down to press his lips to Jack's gently. "Good morning," he joked, pulling away.

"Corny," Jack mumbled. Gabe shrugged.

"You like it." Jack nodded into Gabe's chest before pushing himself off the bed.

"I need to shower." He stood beside the bed, looking down at Gabe, stretched out shamelessly naked on his bed.

"I could help with th-" Gabe stopped because Jack was shaking his head.

"Jac's here," Jack whispered.

"I know; I see you."

"The girl, Gabey."

"I know, but I'm corny," he grinned. Jack rolled his eyes & gripped Gabe's wrists, pulling him up to his knees on the bed. Even though the bed was rather short, Gabe was so tall that, now, they were nearly face to face.

Jack leaned in and spoke, so his words literally fell onto Gabe's lips, "Get dressed. We'll go for breakfast."

"You get dressed," Gabe replied childishly, running his fingers up Jack's sides. Jack dropped his head onto Gabe's shoulder contently.

"I don't wanna," he admitted.

"Me either."

"But we have to."

"Says who?"



"Come on." Neither boy moved.

"Okay." No one moved.

"Seriously!" Jack whisper yelled.

"Seriously," Gabe yawned.

"We need to."

"I don't want to."

"I know."

"You don't want to."

"I know."

"We should go back to bed." Jack shook his head at Gabe's idea. They do need to get up. It's almost eleven.

"When do you go to work?" Jack asked.

"Whenever. I'm happier here anyway." Jack sighed. "You?"

"One to seven," Jack sighed again.

"Two hours? Perfect, now we really have to go back to bed," Gabe grinned but, still, no one moved.

"Oh my god, just get up already!" Jac screeched from the other side of the door. Jack busted into laughter.

"Go away, Vanek!" Gabe shouted. Jac scoffed & her stomps were heard fading away.

"Fuck you, Saporta!"

"That's my job!" Jack half yelled. He was laughing so hard, it came out like a squeaky mouse. That made Gabe giggle. Jac made a sound of disgust and was heard plopping in a kitchen chair. Stupid small apartment and too thin walls.

"I guess we should-"

"Come on," Jack ordered, pulling Gabe off the bed. He bent down to grab his jeans & Gabe pinched his butt. Jack laughed as he buttoned the pants over his boxers.

"I'm wearing your shirt."


"I wanna smell like you," he smiled sweetly.

"You could use my cologne," Jack offered. Gabe shook his head & tossed Jack a clean shirt.

"Not the same."

"Fine," Jack's voice was muffled as he slipped the shirt over his head.

"Let me fix your hair."

"In there," Jack nodded towards the door that led to the rest of the apartment. "I'm hungry."

"I thought we were going out?"

"We are, but I need coffee first."

"You're so picky," Gabe laughed.

"I like my homemade coffee more," Jack defended.

"I think it's cute," Gabe assured him, kissing his cheek as he paraded towards the door. He twisted the doorknob, "Coming?"

"Only for you." Gabe made the sounds of a fake laugh.

"No pun intended?" Gabe mentioned their ongoing game.

"Nope, pun was intended."

"And you said I was corny."

"You're both corny! Now, get your asses out here!"

"You're best friend," Gabe trilled quietly as Jack flipped off the door behind which Jac sat. Jack smiled contentedly. He knew Gabe & Jac got along, at least in a rather general sense. They were just rather mean to each other. It's only because of jealously towards the other. Jack hugs Jac from behind her chair and she giggles, biting playfully at his arm.

"It's about time you birds got up."

"Now we're fowl," Gabe mumbled in annoyance. Jack had to smile. The two people he loved most in the same room required smiling. Lots of it.

"So, where's everyone?" Jac shrugged lamely.

"I shooed them off. I'd wanted to spend the day with my best friend but that's clearly not happening," Jac grinned to show she was joking and Jack blushed a bit as Gabe placed himself in his lap purposefully. He turned to Gabe and watched her expectantly, waiting for her smart remark. "You're luck I love you, kitten," she mumbled to Jack, getting up to kiss his cheek before grabbing her bag off the counter. "We're hanging out this weekend!" she called behind her just before the door shut. Gabe smiled towards the door for a moment before turning his gaze to Jack.

"Hi," he grinned. Jack smiled and pressed his lips into Gabe's forcefully.

"Shall we get breakfast?" Jack asked, his breath falling over Gabe's lips. Gabe nodded and fitted his lips to Jack's again. "Mmmm, get up," Jack urged. He couldn't get up until Gabe did. Gabe shook his head and nudged Jack's lips open with his own. Jack allowed Gabe to do as he pleased but he really was hungry. His stomach growled and Gabe sort of giggled into his mouth. It felt weird but Jack loved it. He reached his free hand around to poke Gabe in the side. He pulled away quickly as a small sqeaul came out. Jack chuckled and laced both of his hands with Gabes.

"Food," he obliged. Jack nodded & let Gabe pull him out of the chair. "Let's go to . . ."

"The coffee shop downstairs, perhaps?" Jack knew Gabe loved the place but he also enjoyed pretending to try and decide.

"I suppose that would be okay," he said slowly. Jack slid his feet into his dunks as Gabe pulled on his own tiny tennis shoes. Jack straightened up and laced his fingers with Gabe's, "Ready?" Gabe nodded and they headed for the door. It was warm enough that they wouldn't need jackets.

"I didn't fix your hair," Gabe complained as they descended the stairs.

"You can fix it once we sit down," Jack promised. Gabe didn't have to reply, so he sort of pulled Jack into him. Gabe, being the taller one, wrapped his arm around Jack's shoulders and gave him a very awkward walking hug. Also, they were on the stairs and Jack is, sort of, a clumsy person, so he stumbled a bit. Gabe, of course, caught him before he could tumble away.

"It doesn't take ten minutes to get here and you still tripped doing so," Gabe chuckled as they claimed a small table in front of the window. Jack blushed a bit and Gabe smiled at him.

"Pancakes?" Jack offered. Gabe nodded and watched as his adorable boyfriend went to order. He returned with a stack of pancakes covered in syrup. "Eat up, baby doll," Jack whispered shyly, flourishing playfully as he scooted his seat over beside Gabe's.

"You know," Gabe began though a mouthful of pancakes muffled his voice. He swallowed & continued, "I think- I think it's really sweet that you're still shy around me-"

"Sometimes," Jack corrected him.

"After all this time." Gabe finished.

"It's only been a month, Gabey."

"Feels like forever."

"That's 'cause we're so perfect together," Jack smiled and didn't allow himself to blush. Gabe hummed an agreement as he shoved another forkful in.

"It's almost noon thirty," Gabe noted sadly as they finished off the plate.

"I know, babe," Jack sighed, slipping his hand into Gabe's.

"Six hours?"

"That's all."

"You'll call?" Jack smiled and nodded. He really did hate to be away from Gabe.

"Here, read up on the latest events," Jack reached behind him & grabbed a newspaper for Gabe.

"Fine," he grumbled, flipping it open and scanning the pages. Jack sat contently, watching Gabe read, willing time to slow down. He checked his watch what felt like minutes later and it was five to one.

"Shit, Gabe. Sorry, I got to go." He stood & tossed a few bills down for the pancakes before Gabe could argue. "I love you and I will call and," he bent over and pressed his lips to Gabe firmly. "I'll see you tonight. Leave a light on for me?" Gabe shook his head. Jack stopped in his hurry & raised a questioning eyebrow. "Why not?" he asked playfully.

"'Cause I like sex better in the dark," Gabe grinned. Jack laughed & gave one last, quick squeeze of Gabe's hand before dashing out the door of the coffee shop and towards the office.


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