Jun 01, 2006 18:31
I was tagged by Carencey77! I can't keep track of who has or hasn't been tagged so if you haven't been tagged yet, consider this your tag!
1. I have a serious phobia about toads and frogs. I know it’s irrational, but I don’t think it’s a fear I will ever conquer. Just the thought of the things makes my skin crawl and photos have been known to make me shriek or jump. When they showed the tree frog on LOST I had to look away. I like to think that Sawyer squished that little guy just for me! (Kidding, of course. Though I fear and hate frogs I do not wish them bodily harm. I just want them to stay the fuck away from me.)
2. I still sleep with a stuffed animal. It is a stuffed “Benji” dog that I’ve had since childhood. His fur is all matted and he has morphed into a very unnatural dog shape that fits perfectly into the crook of my elbow. I’m not sure what it is, but when I sleep alone I feel like I need something to wrap my arm around. I’d like to retire Benji one day, but I’ll need someone else to wrap my arm around!
3. I majored in Criminal Justice in College until my junior year. I got to view autopsies, look at crime scene photos and took a class in serial killers. It’s something I still find interesting, but I realized that my passion was art so I changed majors. I had to basically start over with my credits and such, but it was worth it because now I have a career I love.
4. I’m the first person in my family to get a college degree.
5. I don’t like milk or anything that reminds me of milk. No sour cream, yogurt, whipped cream, alfredo sauce, cream cheese or anything like that. Yes, my friends often mock my aversion to eating anything “white & creamy.” They are perverts.
6. I am addicted to chapstick. Literally addicted. I have about six right now and my co-worker even has an “emergency chapstick” hidden at her desk in case I ever forget to bring one to work. It’s a problem…