Is it time for DLA3 yet?

May 31, 2006 13:38

This is my first post-DLA post since I was quickly sucked back into “real life” upon my return home. While all I wanted to do last week was play on the Internet and look at everyone’s pictures, instead I was working my butt off. It seems that all the work that was supposed to be done while I was gone got put off, so of course it was a mad dash at the end of the week trying to finish all sorts of art that had to be sent to China by Friday. Good times.

Over the weekend I was able to relax a bit, catch up on my laundry and resize all my pictures. I finally got them uploaded last night. My photobucket was one big messy folder, so it took me a while to break everything down into organized categories for your viewing pleasure.

I’ve barely been able to scroll my flist or look at pictures, so I hope everyone got home safe and sound! It should go without saying that I had an amazing time at DLA this year! Even with party mishaps and a smaller VIP list than last year, I have to say that I had more fun this time. That is solely due to the wonderful people I got to meet. I loved seeing so many people I adored from last year and I was lucky to meet more wonderful friends. Seriously, it’s you guys that make DLA so special. I feel lucky to be a part of this group of people. Thanks to my roomies, I could not have asked for better ladies to spend my time with. I love you girls! A special thank you goes to Hallie for dealing with all our front desk drama. You are wonderful, my dear! Okay, enough gushy love stuff...

Without further a do, here is the link to my pictures:

Screen names have been used to protect the innocent (or not-so-innocent!) If I used your real name, it probably means I didn’t know your screen name. So if you want your anonymity protected, just let me know. Also, if anyone wants a larger version of anything just let me know and I can e-mail it to you.

Hopefully I get a chance to scroll through my flist this evening.

Oh, and let me add OMGWTFSEASONFINALE! It blew my mind…


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