Resources/Credits Post

Jun 27, 2006 18:57

Resources/Credits Post

* Brushes | Gradients | Textures | Patterns
* Images | Screencaps
* Fonts
* Tutorials
* Misc

Brushes | Gradients | Textures | Patterns
nightfall_icons | colorfilter | 77words | colortone | crumblingwalls | blue_orchidea | caseybecker16 | any_otherday | tihana | damnicons | latexandleather | silverlilian | fightstarr | xsleepingswanx & xswaniconsx | haudvafra | realtanala | liminalstate | ewanism | _joni | arisubox | ohfreckle @ coffeeforcloser and Sanami276 on deviantART | lasciviae @ trash_graphics | teh_indy | vardataurwen | dark_soul_lost | wonderland__ | my_wonderful | _hakanaidreams | _coquettish | crytsalkirk | exit47 | iconisms | ingenu0us | lipsofpoison | ghost-goodthing | fluffypink_lana | loveicon | chained_angel13 | haydens__hunnie | unmasked_icons | mata090680 | paine_09 | blimey_icons | go_clo | inxsomniax | mylynn | marlenem | tragic_icons | riekchen @ in_daydreams | kaien_kun | mewful | kekoah | my_givenchy | irenic_icons | xonlyashesx | erniemay | mlle_lilly | _lovelygirl | iconseeyou | the_seventhsign | ponkie | _excentric_ | elanordh | profoundly_grey | indienotebook | iconholism | loleiasbits | pink_1lady | elli @ :: exposed :: | chaoticfae | toybirds | the_justiner | driftingaway | rocasolano | princessbloomy | ale_skyz | tove_91 | rhcp_csi | realproof | retrovicious | teh_s0njanator | lessrest | innocent_lexys | fuuurs | neke

gender | feikuai | iconvexity | lifeisdolce | daisukicons | acidicicons | conspiracyicons | refuted | printless | expose42

Oxoniensis Art
The Butterfly
Rain Harbour
Touchstone Arts
Absolut Trouble
misprinted type
Annika von

Images | Screencaps
nightfall_icons | mercscilla | wurlocke | robtengel | crumblingwalls | desert_sky | givinglove29 | gypsie_moon | evenstar_1203 | icequeen3101 | salivia_baker | tehshroom | cheights | spiffydaze | kiratollan | samjack_girl | honerbright | themesnomatter | shayrena *kiss* | annemiek81 | tears4neternity | dragonofblack | dj43 | hires_hotties | cathrine_crane | mo_shmoe | spikesbint | picturexpress | parfaites | krissiecaps | potthead | swannee | wrthy2bluvd | rkc_erika @ The Confessor and the Seeker Society and | marishna | toxic_caps | homeofthenutty @ HOME OF THE NUTTY | rawr_caps | grande_caps

DA Font
Fonts For Pea

Tutorials/PSDs ♥
riekchen, sorgenmond, samjack_girl, wickedground, ninnui, mercscilla, jr_moon, shayrena, mata090680, icequeen3101, marylou_gr, imaginary_lives, ale_skyz, printless, racheldinozzo, artdemuse, lessrest, appleindecay, poshing, Drunkandcoloring, fassy, naginis @ accios, fassyy, houltey

Original Layout Code by fruitstyle
That 70s Show Mood Theme by elena_hepburn
Icon Table Code by devi09 *umflausch* :-)
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