A premature end...

Aug 22, 2011 18:27

Desktop tidying + very early morning + too much wine + a melted fuse box + an unchecked external hard drive = lost neighbourhoods.

My computer is actually fine, although currently powered by an extension cord running to the other side of my place and sharing one of the three power points actually currently working. Unfortunately, due to wine and tiredness induced stupidity, I didn't confirm my neighbourhoods were safely on the external hard drive before I deleted them.

I hadn't made a back up of my BaCC: Forest Heights, so it's gone. I went to check my back up of Repercussions but to my horror found it was much older than I realised. I know I hadn't updated in a long time, but it was still very much on mind, and it saddens me to say, I just can't see that it's possible to recreate where I was up to.

I would like to thank everyone who read my story and gave me such wonderful feedback and support, and apologise that there won't be a conclusion (which was a convoluted and fairly long way away).

I'll probably take down my previous stuff so this journal isn't full of things half finished. I'm sure I'll be filling it up again soon, probably with an another BaCC as I had so much fun with the last one, although then again, I've been reading some wonderful legacies lately which have really made me want to attempt one.

repercussions, bacc

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