BaCC: Week Ten

Aug 07, 2011 17:37

Introduction / One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six / Seven / Eight / Nine


Victor and Carolina were absolutely besotted with Theodore and devoted most of their time to their son. Victor especially made sure to spend time with his son, remembering that when he was a child it seemed his parents mostly spent their time focused on each other.

Soon it was time for Theodore’s birthday. He grew into a happy child who enjoyed commanding attention.

The following day while Theodore was at school, and Victor at work, Carolina was cooking lunch when disaster struck.

The inferno spread rapidly while Carolina struggled singlehandedly to extinguish the fire.

Hours later, the newly renovated kitchen had been completely decimated. Despite Carolina’s weakened state after battling the blaze fire for so many hours, she incredibly recovered.

Soon the family was to discover that her recovery had been even more miraculous; she hadn’t known it, but she had been pregnant at the time.

Carolina, after such a close call, was again very careful during her pregnancy. Both she and Victor didn’t want their son to feel he was losing his parent’s attention to the new baby, and Victor was happy to continue to spend quality time with his son, playing chess and teaching him to paint.

Victor was also pleased that while he and his son were bonding, Theodore was also learning skills he would need if he chose to follow in his grandfather and father’s footsteps and work in politics.

The family was soon joined by another baby boy, this time with brown hair and eyes, who they named Malcolm.

It seemed in no time that their second son was celebrating his first birthday. Malcolm, much like his brother, was an active toddler with a sweet temperament, although he was noticeably less outgoing.


As his ex-partner Mona and their children had moved next door to live with her fiancé, Edward Edmundson was living the life of a bachelor at the top of his career.

He had frequent visits from his children though...

... as well as from other members of his extended family.

Neighbours who he had been best friends with since childhood came over to keep him company...

... and even a friend who was now step-father to his children.

It only took one night on which he didn’t have his family and friends around to make him realise the bachelor life wasn’t for him. He had grown up in a busy household and it seemed eerily quiet without the constant presence of others. He proposed to his girlfriend that they should move in together, and she happily agreed. After further discussion they agreed he would move in with her and her children, leaving him with a substantial amount of money after selling his house.


Mona and her children Esmerelda and Stephan moved in, bringing the total of people in the house to six. There was the occasional hiccup, but all in all, the children, despite their differences, made an effort to get along.

Brian wanted his new step-children-to-be to know he thought of them no differently than he did his own children, and made sure he spent equal time with both his children and Mona’s. He especially enjoyed playing with Stephan as he had been working through his own children’s toddler years.

Although her step-daughter-to-be Marie wasn’t openly hostile to her, Mona still found she got along much more easily with Albert. Maybe it was because he was older and more resigned to his parent’s separation, but whatever it was, the two could often be found battling it out in front of the television.

Marie was only a little bit younger than Esmerelda, and although the girls were both active and outgoing, Marie was more playful, and more prone to cheating, than her step-sister-to-be.

Marie, after celebrating her birthday, decided to focus on fortune, and began working on mastering robotics. She had already asked her aunt Guinevere for a job at Little Sister Robotics, and hoped that by showing the initiative to familiarise herself with the product, her childless aunt would pass the business on to her.

Esmerelda on the other hand had no real career ambitions and wanted, more than anything, a family of her own.

Mona was still on good terms with her ex-partner Edward and as such their children continued to see their dad often.

It was surprise to both Brian and Mona, but soon they learnt they would be having a child together. Although their children had been accepting of their relationship, they were both aware that the news of an impending sibling may bring mixed emotions, and decided to marry quietly at home before the birth instead of holding a big ceremony.


Evan Edmundson celebrated his birthday at home with his family, extremely happy with all he had achieved in his life so far.

Not long after, he and Morgana’s youngest daughter Ella celebrated her birthday. Having such a kind nature it was hardly surprising she grew up wanting to make as many friends as possible.

Both Evan and Morgana were still working in their respective careers as well as churning out best selling restaurant guides. Morgana still published a romance novel now and then, which when her husband read her latest work, he always felt he had discovered something new about his wife.

Morgana wasn’t the only purveyor of romance in the house, as Franchesca and Danny Farmer had finally begun dating and happily spent every spare moment they had with each other.

As time passed, soon it was time for Morgana to celebrate her birthday. She opted for a small celebration at home, and soon discovered that little had changed except for the occasional ache in her aging body.

Morgana received an unexpected birthday gift in the form of a magic lamp. Although they were already very comfortable financially, they had their daughters to think of, and were sure wishing for wealth would allow them to ensure their daughters had the brightest future possible.


Michael had celebrated his birthday and had taken over as chef at Samuel’s. Ebony, who had completed high school, was also now working full time at the family’s restaurant, while their younger sister Julie worked there part time.

Although their mother hadn’t said anything, her children knew she was finding it harder to keep up with the demanding hours of hospitality in her elder years.

They also had extra help in the form of Michael’s fiancé Phoebe who was now working full time as a waitress.

Phoebe had moved in with family, and on a clear winter’s day, she and Michael held their wedding.

It was a wonderful day with friends and family in attendance.

It might have been the romance in the air, for the next day Ebony finally gave in to her feelings and kissed the local paperboy Amar Raymond. They officially became an item.

Ebony’s birthday was fast approaching, and Winter made the decision to officially pass the business on to her daughter. Ebony was both daunted by the prospect of carrying on the family business as well as excited to be in charge.

Ebony celebrated with a quiet party at home with her family.

With her mother’s boyfriend moving in, and her brother and sister-in-law hoping to start a family, Ebony felt it was well and truly time to move out. She and Amar (who had just completed his training at the police academy) decided to get a place together, and the two of them moved into a townhouse near her father’s.


The house was still always full of laughter and music, as friends and family seemed to gravitate towards their modest home. Zach had finally retired after putting away some savings, and made a little cash on the side playing the piano for tips.

Sam had finished school but wasn’t really sure what he wanted to do with his life. He, like his father, was an excellent piano player and too made some money through performing. He had also begun dating Billy Farmer.

Dean had celebrated his birthday and too had become romantically involved. Ella was technically his half-cousin once removed, but his parents assured him it wasn’t as if they had grown up as cousins and that it wasn’t anything to worry about.


Eric celebrated his birthday, and retired from his position as Education Minister to be able to help in his wife’s business Little Sister Robotics and also just take some time out as he had been working since he was a teenager.

After so many years together he and Guinevere were still very happy together, even if they did occasionally bicker like an old married couple, which of course, they now actually were.

The business continued to be a success, and Eric and Guinevere had to concede that in their elder years, it was simply becoming too much for them to do so much of the work. They hired their mutual nieces Franchesca and Ella, as well as Guinevere’s niece Marie, to help out.


With two teenagers and a toddler in the house, it was always a hive of activity with people visiting.

Billy had begun dating Sam Edmundson, and had gotten a job supervising the yearbook club. She worked hard and was quickly promoted, and was offered a job as a Internet Movie Critic when she finished high school.

Just as she said he would, her brother Danny begun dating Franchesca Edmundson. He had begun helping out his dad with the apple trees and enjoyed learning the ways of the, albeit small, farm.

After financially struggling for years, it was like their wishes had come true when they were gifted with a magic lamp. They wished for wealth and aside from finishing the desperately needed extension to their home, they were able to finally plant more fruit trees. Bethany was able to leave her job and focus on spending time with her children and helping tend the orchards.

Soon David and Bethany’s youngest child celebrated his birthday. He was a happy child and was spoiled for attention by his parents and siblings.

Not long after, the couple both celebrated their birthdays. It had been a struggle for many years, but they wouldn’t have changed a thing, and considered themselves blessed to have their farm and be surrounded by their children.


With Endora being so close to celebrating her birthday, it was an absolute surprise for her and Scott when they discovered she was pregnant. They married quietly although Endora kept the surname Barkworth, proud of what she had achieved during her science career under the name.

Endora delivered two babies, a girl and a boy. They named their red haired daughter Ruby, and their brown haired son Greyson.

Endora had celebrated her birthday not long after the twins were born, and despite all Scott and Endora had been through to be together, they were very happy.

Although Endora and Scott loved their babies, they were honest that it was exhausting taking care of them as well as juggling their full time careers in their elder years. As Endora’s sister was bringing in more staff, she made the decision to leave her job at Little Sister Robotics.

The twins celebrated their birthdays and though they were both shy and serious, they both had very different personalities. Ruby was a sweet girl with a kind temperament (5/3/7/3/7), while her brother Greyson could be grouchy was fastidiously neat (10/3/9/3/1)

Although the twins had certainly been unexpected, Endora and Scott couldn’t imagine their life any differently. Their older children came around to visit often, and Endora noticed that since the twins were born, Scott’s children seemed to be more tolerant of her as the mother of their half siblings.


Playables: 36

City-Owned Community Lots: 3

Sim-Owned Community Lots: 2

Sim Multiplier: 2

Population: 72

Unlocked: Wanting the best for their family’s future, Eric and Guinevere Edmundson (née Pauwau), Evan and Morgana Edmundson (née Pauwau), and Edward Edmundson, made a collective donation of $500,000 to the town funds for the purpose of building a university.


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