Updating the life resolution list

Jan 05, 2014 20:04

Previous Life Resolution list with updates:
Learn to play the guitar - Taking this off the list. I'm keeping the guitar but I don't care if I can't play it
Learn to sing better - Taking this off the list. Lessons help. My pitch is better. I can karaoke if I need to.
Learn to knit - Continue skills. Complete 1-2 new projects this year. Can also be crochet projects.
Learn to love men who love me as I am - oh my GOD how did I fulfill this. Continue this loveliness the rest of my life.
Go easier on my family - In a nurturing way that also helps them grow
As always, be nicer - I actually am! It's actually a life skill. Removing from list.
Maintain the friendships that matter - Have it down to the solid few that are worth the time. Taking it off the list.
Travel. Even more this year - I'm a little travel bug. Life skill. Taking off the list.
See even more art - Don't give a shit about this. Removing from list.
Dance even more than that - Staying on the list. Swing lessons or salsa lessons are on the horizon.
Finish a triathlon - Training has begun! 7June13 is nigh.
Spend less frivolously - I suck at this. Maintain a budget would be good.
Burn less gas - Working in Tacoma and living in Seattle does nothing to help this. Should try to bike when weather is nicer.
Be less contemptuous of the v. young and v. old - Done. I really am less of a terrible person.
Be less contemptuous - ditto
Perfect my Spanish - Long term goal. Doctors Without Borders situation maybe?
Learn passable French - Someday.
Look good (better?) naked - Definitely improved. Diet so much better. Increased activity. Having sex with someone who likes my body in all its shapes.
Get an academic scholarship - Not in school anymore so this doesn't matter. Perhaps will change this to "Work on putting more money towards school loans."
Keep the nursing school weight gain to an absolute minimum - Much improved. See the "Look better naked" bullet. Removing form list.
See my family more - I see them the amount that I can and is mutually tolerable. Removing from list.
Save money for my kickass end of school European tour - I went to China! Save money in general is the new bullet.
Keep working on my life resolutions - I'm updating the list, no?

Break addiction to snooze alarm. Use no more than 3x's/wk
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