May I introduce you to Perry?

Aug 29, 2010 20:16

As in Perry (peri-) Menopause.

It appears that I have begun to navigate the wonderful world known as The Change. When my ob/gyn offered me hormone replacement therapy two weeks ago, I thought, "How silly! Nature means for our hormones to ebb and flow; only women who refuse to admit they're aging insist on taking estrogen."

Today? I'm ready to take ANYTHING. Srsly - hormones, pain killers, Drano -- fork it over! I can NOT believe the intensity of the heat that starts somewhere near my kidneys and radiates outward like some kind of mushroom cloud of... of... really hot heatedness. I am sweating from body parts that I am sure have no sweat glands. My HAIR is sweating. I was thisclose to stripping off my shirt this morning.

In church.

In the third row.

And my moods? L freaking O freaking L. I have managed to out-mood swing my 15 year old. In fact, I even got her to apologize for not being more sensitive. And yes, that is saying something impressive indeed.

Needless to say, I will be calling the ob/gyn first thing tomorrow morning. I'm honestly ambivalent about HRT (hormone replacement therapy) - there are health risks and I do still kind of think of this as some kind of lame denial of my age (I turned 49 9 days ago), but I honestly don't think I can be held responsible for my actions if I don't get relief from all this.

rl, tmi

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