Nice Holiday Dinner

Dec 25, 2020 21:44

December 25, 2020

Dear Debra:

Hey just wanted to let you know I had a nice afternoon with Liz and Nelson and Rich. He was very helpful in the kitchen taking care of things. It was still raining when I got there. We didn’t have dinner until about 2 or shortly after that. However, I nearly scared Liz and Rich when I told thm I have had headaches for the last couple of days. I had already taken Tylenol and was hoping it would be gone quickly and it was.

Before we sat down and had dinner Jen’s Brother and SIL and little niece stopped by for a visit. It was a short visit to be sure but it was fun nonetheless. We had our dinner after that. I was surprised with gifts. Liz gave me hand warmers (those things you put into gloves to keep your hands warm), some chocolate candy and those $5 scratches off tickets. Do I need to mention I didn’t win?

I got a beautiful handmade cutting board from Rich. He says I can consider it a house warming gift instead of a Christmas gift and a very funny card “the three wise cats”. J

Before I left for home Jim called Liz (he had also called me but I left my phone home). Liz told him the baby news, and how covid is affecting daily routine up here for them and the family. I talked with him too. Before they hung up they discussed the situation with Lawyer Bob. We sent letters and the next thing will be a registered Letter. I have to wonder if she realizes I just sent the email this afternoon to these people (uh well most of them) instead of yesterday when she told me to. So I don’t expect them to respond as quickly as she would like. At the same I am expecting a “fuck you” from one of them.

Oh during my conversation with Jim I had learned that he heard from Kristian and Emily while he had dinner with his lady Janis and her kids (adult children). I am not sure why he didn’t hear from James but I guess I will find out when we speak on the phone over the weekend.

I think it was nearly 5 when I got home the cats were waiting by the door for me and made it clear they were not happy that I was late with their dinner. So I had to unload my leftovers and treats, gifts and get their dinner.

While they ate I did a few things and got on the net. At first I couldn’t stay connected and I was afraid there was something wrong with my system but it seems to be working now.

I think I am going to go to bed now. I managed to get tired.

headache, weather, christian holiday, holiday, holiday activities, memories, kitties, christmas

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