Mid Week Reflection

Sep 02, 2020 14:49

It is Wednesday again and making my head spin.  I have resigned myself at Liz’s encouragement to not worry about finding condos that Cheryl is on top of it.  I was getting overwhelmed with the two at Melba street (not the one I am looking at tomorrow) condos.  I realized by the end of the day there were two different ones.  I think there is a pet limit as well.

So in one of the last texts to me for the night from Liz was a godsend.  She reminded me to take care of myself and do the daily living stuff (taking meds, sleeping, working, the shredding and exercise)  and if I see something I definitely want to keep or leave behind then tag it.  If not, wait for her to come over and we will do it together.

Tomorrow Liz will meet  the Appraiser at the house to check out the stuff.  They may have to go downstairs for him to finish with a very heavy tub of dishes.  I have a feeling they will have to go up the stairs to the attic for the other stuff.

She has found a company that will take the other stuff we have for the dump and there will be two men working.  They are coming next week she said it will be for about $800 or so.  I suspect it's the company I mentioned a few weeks ago.  This is a great relief to the both of us.

I spoke to Jim via text this week.  He sent a message to Lawyer man (if I have mentioned this already, forgive me).  He said he let Lawyer man know that we are making progress at the house.  We are actively looking for a condo.  He suggested that maybe  there could be less oversight from the Lawyer guy.  It was about then I asked him if he thought or expected the house to be on the market by the holidays or before it?  He said it depends on what I finally pick for the condo.

I contacted Niece Diane about the stuff I have collected for her.  I told her I couldn’t mail it to her and suggested she come up and get it.  She can’t do it in the next couple of weekends so I told her I would check my calendar.  I would probably have to consult Liz.  I waver on those decisions sometime. I am thinking anytime before  October 1.

The cats are okay.  They have been sleeping all over the palace.   Sky was being a bit weird on Monday during my session with Debra.  He kept walking back and forth and across my lap to get my attention (it was dinner time).  At one point he lost his footing and clawed my leg and scratched my arm.  I yelled right in poor Debra’s ears.  Tiger has been her regular self.  They seem to disappear into places I have looked and can’t find then I turn around and they are right in front of me.  I get the sense they are aware of things going on or is it me projecting my thoughts and ideas on to them.?

I heard from Dr. T in the last couple of days and I have told her what’s going on but she wants to know why the Lawyer is being pushy.  She was thinking the family is behind it.  I haven’t had a chance to respond to that yet.  I hope to finish that explanation tonight after my night out.

I did hear from Mama Roberta this week. She told me about her meetup trip to the Grand Canyon.  It was a very long day for them and they enjoyed it.  She doesn't think she will be making a return trip to the observation deck anytime soon.  I took the opportunity to look at pictures and I can see why.  There is not enough money to pay me to get on that skywalk.

I haven’t been to the Women Finding Friends group meetups.  They did send birthday wishes.  I would like to get to them sometime.  Maybe next week.  IF I don’t keep thinking I should be doing something at the house.

I heard from LG Margaret earlier this week and she said we will have a Board meeting but waiting on Tory to set it up.  I can’t help but think we are not going to be doing much for the rest of 2020.

I haven’t heard from Chairman Phil, or SharonM.  It's as though they are avoiding me (yes I know I am sounding paranoid).  I will call them again later.  I did get birthday wishes from some of the other members of DTC.  I can’t wait to see what their reaction is when I tell them.

Well I am having Dinner with Dave tonight for our birthdays. It should be fun.  :)

mid-week reflection, journal prompt, life, politics, weather, house cleaning, dinner, journaling, debra, kitties, ladies guild, health

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