I must begin this entry with an apology for the symphony of chirping crickets lately. I have been going through some challenging times since Tropical storm Isaias. The day after it hit I noticed the gutter needed repair and so I called my lawyer/Trustee (if you have been following me for while it was set up long before Mom died) to let him know it needed to be fixed. He didn’t see it but came and surveyed the property and started a bullying campaign to reissue the whole “we need to put the house on the market” . We argued and by the end of the conversation he hung up on me. He sent me a very insulting voice mail by the end of that same week after my brother spoke to him.
My family and I met at the beginning of the week with my therapist to discuss what could be done but came to the conclusion that it isn’t worth fighting him. We are not giving in but I cannot afford to manage this big house. My brother spoke to him and got the SOB to back off as long as we made efforts to restart the process of cleaning out the house and look for a more manageable residence. My family has been very supportive of me and we agree that this guy is chauvinist and a whole slew of other adjectives I won’t dignify with.
So I have restarted a budget and working to get the debt down. I have been getting advice from how to fight him, to how to best search for the new place (I have been looking but there are some variables that I don’t know yet) to budget shopping for groceries etc. My sister will be coming over to help the purging process begin today.
So the milestone I was going to write about was 58 years ago today my family moved into the house I am about to give up. AT that time it was my parents and my three older siblings. I was born two weeks later. So for my 58th birthday in two weeks I will be in the middle of a new start.
Work is going okay. The scanning machine problem is still a problem and we are waiting on someone to do something. WE have been very patient and we do have scanning to do. I have been working on refund scanning and that is done through the copier.
The parking lot that we use is in the beginning stages of being repaired so we have had to park in a small adjacent lot near the building but have to be careful not to park in the school parking lot that we share. We have been getting warnings to move or be towed.
The University is preparing for the fall semester that starts in two weeks. Some departments are still mixed with on campus working and remote working. We are constantly being reminded about the social distancing and to wear the mask when needed.
Labor negotiations are currently going on and I am pretty sure they are still a little rough. I was not at the last meeting because my brother was arriving at the same time. I am pretty sure I will be hearing about it next time.
I have been trying to get out and walking at break times and lunchtimes except the last couple of days because I wanted to focus on work or I wasn’t here for part of the week. Sadly I am finishing up the last two sessions with Alex this coming week. I had to let him go because of my current financial crisis. He was absolutely understanding and wonderful about it. He will be there to reach out if I need to.
I would like to say I have been trying to follow my diet but I recently made buttered spaghetti and clearly not on the diet. I had it for dinner the last couple of nights. My reasoning is flawed. I attributed to the new grocery budget. I have been looking at budget meal plans online recently so hopefully I will be able to follow it.
I will be keeping the gym membership and they have been all very kind. Again it would be great if I actually got there. I was there Tuesday but the rest of the week not so much. I won’t be able to go to the classes as they are additional (part of the Edge Strong program). I was just told I have them until the end of the month so I can still go to the classes until my birthday. However I will be doing the routines or whatever the word is for it on my own. That is if I force myself to the gym.
The rest of the family seems to be busy with the end of summer activities and bridal shower events. I went to the bridal shower last weekend for my great niece to be and it was a blast despite the turmoil going on with me. The people were great, the scenery was great, and of course so was the food. Gina got so many wonderful gifts I wonder what’s left on the Registry for the October nuptials.
I have finally found out more about a new pen pal. She recently sent me an intro letter that was like her emails to me lately. It was short and sweet. I am working on her letter now and updating her file. She is from South Carolina but is originally from Texas.
Well I need to move along and do some more stuff before the gym and before sis gets here.